Should teachers be able to talk/teach about religion?

The history of religion refers to how religious systems originated and developed throughout human history. As of right now there are over 4,000 religions in the world. In 1963, the supreme court outlawed any type of teaching that had to do with religion. When it comes to talking about religion in class, teachers can talk about the history of religion. One thing that they can't do is push religious beliefs on someone. 

When it comes to people's thoughts on if you should be able to teach/talk about religion there are many different opinions. A lot of people think no because they think everyone should have their own opinions on things and not feel forced to believe in something. It could also cause a problem when it comes to someone who believes in one thing and someone who doesn't believe. This could start fights and other conflicts. On the other hand, many think yes AND no, because they think it should be taught but not forcefully taught. People say this because if you have to learn about different religious beliefs you wouldn't have enough freedom, and many people have strong opinions about freedom.  

Many people have a strong belief that religion should be allowed to be taught. They feel that kids should be able to ask questions about other religions or even their own and get an educated answer. Everyones thoughts on this topic are varied. I think everyone who has said something has a point. 

I personally feel that teachers should be able to talk about religion more in school. I believe that they should be able to be more open about it. One option to make this work is that schools could offer an optional class for students to take if they are interested in learning more about all the different religions. Another option is that they could make an online class that can help you learn what you want to learn. I think this is a great way to include religion at school.

Do you think having a class would be a good option?

Do you think teachers should be able to talk about religion in school? 

Would you attend the class if we had it as a option,first%20appeared%20in%20Mesopotamia%20c.,%E2%80%9CBible%20as%20literature%E2%80%9D%20classes.

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    • I think the same thing. It would cause a lot of problems for familys and just there beliefs in general. Also with the teacher having to try to teach all of the different religions would be so much work. I think that your parents should teach their kids about their own religion at home. Many people like to always be learning more about their religion but some never know how. So i think having your parents teahc it at home would be a very safe and reasonable thing to do. 

  • I believe that having a class would be a bad idea because some kids might join it without their parents knowing. If they are a different religion and their parents don't know that they are learning a different religion that could cause some problems. Also there are so many different religions and who is going to teach them. There are private schools for different religions too.

    • I agree with you, it would cause a lot of problems when it comes to all the different religions. Also the parents wouldnt be able to know what they are learning and how they are learning it, i think this would aslo cause many problems. Another thing you mentioned was all the different religions and who would teach all of those at once. It would be a lot of work to do that. An alternitive for wanting to learn more about the religions is a class at home that your parents would teach so it didnt cause so many problems. 

    • I agree that having a religion class in schools is a bad idea. I would not like it if my kids would have the chance to join a class that I did not agree with and be able to do without my knowledge. Additionally, with so many different religions it would be hard to make sure every religion is represented accurately.  

  • I feel like teachers should be able to talk about religion. Because there are people who wanna learn and wanna ask questions. I think they shouldn't touch sensitive topics because some students might be bothered by that.

    • I agree with you, I think that the students should be able to ask questions. I the teacher is okay with it. However, I feel like having classes that are solely based on religion, would not be a good idea because it might force people into religion. If I am signing up for a class than my friend might want to as well. 

    • I disagree with this statement because if they have questions then they can go to a priest or someone that knows more about the topic. Teachers should not be telling students about a certain religion. Maybe if the teacher goes to the same church then you could ask things you are interested about but otherwise, no.

  • I feel like having an optional class would be a good idea. So the people who wanna learn about religion can join it and people who don't have to. 

  • Attending a Catholic school growing up has exposed me to the teachings of the Catholic faith. I believe that we shouldn't have a class on religion because as you mentioned there are thousands of religions throughout the world, and I believe that it would be hard to satisfy everybody in the different religions being taught. I also think that a religion class could have some bias from the teacher based on what their religion is. Even if the teacher is a professional, they are bound to be bias in some shape or form.

    • You made a very good piont I didnt think about. I liked that you included how the teacher would be bound to be bias in some way at some piont. This is some of the biggest cons when it comes to this topic. I also agree that it would be hard to satisfy everyone, becuase you never know how many different religions there are at your school that people believe in. I like where you came from and made a good piont. 

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