Should Religion Be Taught In Public Schools?

The word religion is explained as "The belief in and worship of superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods." There are currently over 4,000 religions, including faith groups, or different brances of church. Hinduism is the world's oldest religion. Hinduism goes back more than 4,000 years. Today, with more than 1 billion followers, Hinduism is one of the biggest religion worldwide, after Christianity and Islam. 

Religion being taught in public school is a very controversial topic, there are many pros and cons for this. Many people believe no because they think that everyone should be able to make their own decisions and "be free" that it should not be forced. People have also said it could potentially create conflicts between those who are religion and those who are athiest but, Many also believe in both yes and no becuase they think that it should be taught in school but not forced for everyone to learn because some will say that making this a mandatory in not giving us the freedom we are told we have because "religion is a choice, not mandatory." 

Many people believe yes because they think that it is important that everyone should have the opportunity to learn, be able to ask questions and able to get an educated anwser. Those who believe more on that they should not be able to teach in school have said "Religion can be taught at home" But those who haved anwsered  yes  have replied with saying that is not always the case because "some children want to learn about religion but with the advirment they are surrounded by causes them to not be able to" 

My opinion on religion being taught in school is a definite yes, I think that students should have the opportunity to learn more, I do not think that it should be mandatory, I think this because I do not want those who don't want to be there have to be forced, but I definitely think it would be a great idea to include it as potentially a class.



Do you believe Religion can be taught at home?

Do you think Religion should be taught at school and for everyone to forced to learn? 

What are yout thoughts on making this a optional class?,has%20had%20on%20my%20students.

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  • I believe that religion should be taught at home, and offered at school. Maybe as a course or class, but I do not think everyone should be required to take or enroll in these classes. I believe that just as other optional classes, such as Ag, Foods, religion such be offered. Religion is a very important aspect of life, and I think in ages throughout schooling should get the option to learn more about it. 

    • Yes! I agree! Religion is a very important aspect of life, and I think that adding this additional class it could potentially deepen our faith. I agree, I think that we should potentially ad this as an optional class.

  • yes i fermly beleve relidgion should be tought at home, never in school or anywhere else. I certainly thin relidgion should never be forced upon anyone. i firmly beleve religion shold be slef tought.

    • I have to disagree. I think that religion is a great class that students should be able to learn. I believe that with this class we are able to spred God's word further, and what I belive could lead them to eternal life. 

  • Yes i think it can be tought at home but it wont be as productive in school I think opital and  that it should be enjouaraged to be taken as a class because it can help you find who you want to be and also be nicer. But it could start people to ezclude and rebell against groups of people

  • I think Religion is a contrivertial topic. Though, in my opinion, children should not be raised in any particular religion, whether that be at home or in school. The choice of who or what you believe in should always fall to the person in question, and I think it unfair for parents or schools to force worship something they might not beleive in or agree with.

    • Me personally, I think that if there were to be a class with the option of religion, it should not just be about one religion because there are so many, so if there were to be a class I think they should teach and get into the history about different religions. I think if there were to be an religion class it definitely should be optional, this helps not being forced to worship.

  • I think they should teach all religions everywhere. Everyone should have the right to be instrested in a religion.  I believe that it can be taught at home if they want to focus on one religion only. If it was an optional class that would be completely fine with me.

  • Do I believe religion can be taught at home? Yes... how else would anyone become religious? I think religion should be taught at school since its such a huge part of society but it shouldn't be enforced and kids should learn about all religions. Religion being an optional class would be amazing, I would love to learn about different religions but if ur talking about a class dedicated to the worship of one god than I would say that excludes some kids of different cultures and beliefs.

  • So I think that religion could be a class but not forced to be taken. People can take the class if they think they want to learn about some religions. So my thoughts on making this an optional class would be fine and I think it would be a good idea for some people to know about these things.

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