Should Gene Editing Be Allowed For Humans?
Gene Editing is a way to change, or modify your traits as a human. Such as: changing your eye color, and your risk of getting certain diseases, or even improving your immune system. Scientists use a program or device called CRISPR that works by going into your DNA strands making it possible for the scientists to physically remove a gene and replace it with another such as getting rid of cancer, etc.
The benefits of gene editing is it can prevent diseases like: Inherited disorders, Cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, beta thalassemia, and sickle cell disease, it can also treat types of cancer, or infections. Some more diseases that can likely be cured or reduced is: Autism which can be reduced making it possible to be able to think better and make your coordination better.
The bad things about human gene editing is it can contaminate the human gene pool, Also since the genes have been changed they will be passed on to the next generation, which is probably the biggest concern among people or scientists. People also think that it can do a lot of good but it is also very dangerous because CRISPR works but it can make mistakes such as it cutting in the wrong spot making it kind of bad because if you were trying to get a large part of the DNA and you get the wrong spot it could probably contain some DNA that your body needs. Because I don't think you could replace all of your DNA all at once or it will be really bad. For example, mutation will occur and who knows what will happen.
I personally believe that gene editing can help our society and the people in it, but I also believe that it can also be the cause of mutations and since all the genes that have been edited are being passed on to the next generation who knows what could happen to humans in the future from these mutations.
What are your thoughts on Gene Editing and how it can be good or bad for our people, or how it will affect us?
Also, do you think it should be banned or not?
Gene editing could be a phenominal opportunity to improve people's quality of life. However, I don't beleive that we should introduce it to our current society. Especially because of the moral factor. What's stopping a young child's parents from having their baby undergo gene editing? What if that child resents their parents decision and it negatively impacts their life? Life is simpler without the the contrivercy and invasion of personal privacy that gene editing produces.
I believe that gene editing could be a good thing but also a bad thing. This is because with gene editing you could take away the bad genes from someone, such as cancer or heart problems. However there are some negatives such as what if something goes wrong, what would happen to the person? Could they possibly get harmed or even lose their life?
Gene editing can save many lives if someone is born with a disease that is uncurable but if you gene edit it you can get rid of it making them live longer. I don't think it should be banned but it should be used if it is needed. I believe that if you gene edit someone it changes their life instead of living how they were borned.
Gene editing has some really great benefits but of course those come with bad ones too. I think it would be too risky to do gene editing on humans because anything could happen. I believe it should be banned because it could cause major health issues if done wrongly.
I think gene editing would mess with the world. I think things should happen naturally like the way they are. If you make everyone super smart and super athletic then standards would be highly raised and nothing would be as special anymore. Everyone would be the same and no one would be unique in their own ways. Also, if something were to mess up and a child turned out the way you dont want, then parents could sue.
I think it has its goods and bads. We can't take away something that is good for a certain amount of people with a disorder. I don't think it should be banned. If you ban it, the people who need it won't be able to get the resources they need for their certain disorders.
What are your thoughts on Gene Editing and how it can be good or bad for our people, or how it will affect us? I don't think we could have gene editing because the world would be all messed up. Yes, you could make your kid super smart or super athletic to make alot of money, but if somethink was to go wrong durring the process the parents would be super mad. The parents would then sue and the company would be in alot of trouble.
I think it shouldn't be allowed because it makes it so that everyone isn't unique. I look at it from a Christian standpoint. It says in the Bible that every person is fearfully and woderfully made. It also states that we were knit together in our mothers womb. That being said, it would completely go against the Bible if we were controlling what our children will look and act like.
I think it could be good or bad if it helps society it would be good but I still think that it some people would try to test the limits and end up killing people. It should be banned if it involves killing people. People wouldn't be even able to afford a genetic modifiyer.
In my opinion gene editing could be good because it could help with very serious diseases and cause a very big change for some people that need it but it could also be dangerous because as you said they could cut the wrong spot and end up hurting the person.