Should drug users be punished or receive treatment?

In our society and for years drug use has been seen as a crime and seen as something bad. The people caught using drugs or doing drug trafficking are usually sent to jail and they’re punished for it. Over time, some countries, and states have started to decriminalize drugs and focus on treatment. The purpose of this is to treat drug addictions like a health issue instead of a crime. States that are doing this are Oregon, California, Colorado, and some more.

There are pros and cons to this. The pros are that this could help people get out of their addiction because usually when they’re sent to jail they will do their time. Once they get out they will start doing drugs again and will either continue this vicious cycle or will overdose and die because of their addiction. If they receive treatment like therapy and counseling it can lead to long-term recovery and prevent relapse. It also helps more people to seek help and get out of their addiction.

However, there is a bad side to it. Some people say that without legal consequences drug use might increase and this could be true which could lead to more deaths because they would just use drugs without being scared of getting caught and then overdose. It is also very expensive to offer treatment to everyone so some people might be unable to get help. Focusing only on treatment could also neglect other issues like crime and public safety.

In my opinion, there are good things and bad things about this. I don’t think that everyone should get treatment and not have consequences because then they might just keep on doing it. I think that they should do an evaluation and if they really do think that the people are interested in the treatment and are not just trying to not go to jail then the treatment can be offered to them but if they ever catch them doing drugs again then they should be sent to jail. I also think that even if they are receiving treatment instead of going to jail it still should go in their criminal records.

Do you think they should be punished or receive treatment?

What treatment do you propose?

Should everyone get treatment?,keeping%20people%20from%20effective%20treatment.

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  • Great topic choice Julia! Your summary is very well done and you commented very well! Super job!

  • I think that drug users should be punished and should also receive treatment, to a certain extent, If they are selling it and doing bad things with it they should receive both but if they have an addiction they should get help. I feel like anyone who is involved with drugs should get treatment.   

  • I think that drug users should recive treatment. Treatment can help and benefit the user to get clean while "serving time" from the outside world. Maye, if drug use caused them to do horrible actions then yes I think that jail time would be nececary. 

  • I think they should get a treatment like the ones that are crazy over drugs and they should get a certain treatment every month. Like get fluids and pills. But they would have to sign a paper and a agreement. That they want the help that they need.

    • I agree with you. I know that there are a lot of different programs that give fluids and pills to addicts so their addiction gets better but I think that on top of that they should also go to therapy.

  • There are lots of ways that this can be seen as either a person being addicted and getting arrested for the possesion or just use of drugs. But then you also have the people that are selling the drugs being arrested for the distribution of drugs or giving out drugs. But the people buying the drugs are addicts and should be getting treatment instead of rotting in prison. 

    • I agree with you on the fact that the people who are buying the drugs should instead receive treatment instead of going to prison and that the person selling the drugs should instead go to prison for selling drugs. Also, I think that when they are done with treatment that if they go to buy drugs again they should instead just go to prison.

  • I believe that it could go either way. Because if you're the one selling the drugs, then yes, you should be punished. But if you're addicted, you should be allowed to find and seek help. Doing drugs is still a choice, but not as bad as being the one to release them into the world. So that is why I think if you are addicted, you should receive a second chance to get better. And if you sell, you should be punished.

    • I agree with you that selling is worse than just using drugs. The people who are selling are usually also using and they're responsible for other people using and even sometimes they make other people sell for them so they're just influencing a lot of people to do bad things and therefore deserve punishment,

    • I agree with you on how you said that if they are the person selling the drugs then yes, they should recieve punishment. I also agree with the fact that doing drugs is a choice but not as bad as being a person who is putting them in the world. My opinion on this is yes, if they are the one doing it with an addiction I think they should recieve treatment but if they are doing it under the legal age they should recieve punishment and also, treatment if they are addicted.

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