Should Boeing Have Been Sued

Boeing has been through many crashes over the span of 109 years which being the worst crash is the KLM flight 4805 and Pan Am flight 1736 taking the lives of 583 people total back in 1977. The reason people want to sue them is all of the stuff that happened in 2024 like the Alaska Air door came off and caused the plane to go in for an emergency landing. Over 400 Boeing pilots are suing Boeing because of "unpredicted cover up" and "known design flaws",but as the lawsuit settled in on the two fatal crashes they have had, Boeing pleaded guilty to all charges causing them to lose 243 million U.S dollars. There was another lawsuit over the Boeing 737 MAX and they lost 2.1 billion dollars . 


I don't think Boeing should have been sued because there are so many things that could have happened. The door of the Alaska Air plane could have been lacking ground crew check . Most of the time crashes happen during take off and landing also can happen because of miscommunication between the ATC tower and the pilot. There are many other reasons Boeing shouldn't be sued because the planes are good planes, just the people that maintain the plane might not do a very good job. While there are over 90 percent civil complaints suing Boeing. Back in 2024 Boeing also did lose about 4 billion dollars. 


There are many reasons they were sued, like conspiracy to defraud the United states for its role in the two fatal 737 MAX crashes. Since they rushed the 737 MAX there were many design flaws with it. While Boeing took the blame it was mostly the fault of two low level employees because they misled the regulators and they tried to put the crashes behind it. They grounded the planes for 20 months and let them fly after reducing the power on the engines. With the flaws in the Boeing 737 MAX the pilots lost the controls of the plane causing 346 to lose their lives. 


Even though boeing has been through a lot in the 2020's so far with all their mistakes is where they can fix the issues and figure out what the issue truley is. boeing is a reliable source of planes but the issue with a lot of these planes people dont want to fly on a boeing plane because they have had many issues with a few of their planes especiallt the Boeing 737 MAX 8 and so forth. Boeing has seen more fatal crashes but those were only because it was foggy and the ATC tower didnt see the planes. a pro on the lawsuit is that boeing has found the issue and resolved it before more planes could have crashed again, and a con is that boeing has lost ove 6 billion dollars in the process and is about $53 billion in debt


Do you think Boeing should have been sued? 


Do you think Boeing Is at fault for the crashes?


Do you think Boeing shouldn't have been sued? 

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  • I think they are at fault becuase they knew about the flaws that were created. They also knew taht they were putting all the passengers in danger when they sent the plane into air. They also rushed the making of it when they couldve slowed down and taken their time with it. 

    • I completely agree with you because they were aware of all the accidents and didn't try hard enough to fix the flaws. I also agree that they should have slowed down the making of it, so they could put their passengers in a much safer position.

  • I think Boeing should be sued because they should prioritize safety over everything. And 346 dying is not a small number that's many families that never got to see their loved ones again because of some design flaw Boeing could fix.

  • Boeing should be sued because of the known design flaws and how the company did not prioritize safety. Boeing rushed the production of the 737 MAX, and this led to design flaws, and the pilots weren't properly trained to fly the new aircraft yet. In the end, there are still issues with Boeing today, the Alaskan Airlines door failure is an example of this. I think this shows how there is a quality problem, and when dealing with passengers' lives, they should get sued for this.

    • I agree with you because they knew there flaws and they should be at fault. The pilots were not properly trained but they still passed them and let them fly planes. 

    • I agree with your statement because of their flaws they should be at fault. If there are these flaws they should easily be at fault for it. These flaws could have caused something worse in a different situation. So I agree with your statement.

    • I agree, they should be sued. They have had not just these flaws but a few others along with it. And the fact that the pilots were not properly trained but they still decided to let them fly it. I think they shouldve thought about the risk they were taking when all these things occured. 

    • I agree with you because they should always prioritize safety over any other factor. And shouldn't rush production so the planes aren't safe. And also shouldn't  let pilots drive the planes without the proper training.

  • I think Boeing should be sued for the known design flaws in their planes. Even if it was lower-level employees who were responsible for some of the issues, the company as a whole is still accountable for the safety of the aircraft. Rushing the 737 MAX into service even though it had major design flaws led to crashes, which shows Boeing's poor decision-making. 

    • I agree with what you said about even if it was the lower level employees at fault, the company is still held acountable. They should have checked over the work before they let passengers into the air. Boeing is at fault because of their poor decision making and the known flaws.

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