Should Baseball Players be Steroid Tested?

The issue of whether baseball players should be steroid tested is a hotly debated topic that touches on fairness, health, and the sport’s integrity. Steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs can give players a significant edge in strength, speed, and recovery. This raises serious ethical questions about competition. Testing for steroids helps ensure that games are won based on natural talent and hard work, rather than on artificial enhancements. By enforcing strict testing policies, baseball can maintain a level playing field and uphold its reputation in the eyes of fans.



Health concerns are another crucial part of this discussion. Many athletes might feel pressured to use steroids to improve their performance, but the health risks associated with these substances are dangerous. Steroid use has been linked to various serious health issues, including hormonal imbalances, liver damage, and increased risks of heart disease. By using extremely accurate testing, Major League Baseball not only protects its players but also promotes a culture of health and safety. This approach reflects a commitment to the well-being of the athletes, showing that the league values long-term health over short-term gains.



Finally, enforcing steroid testing can enhance the overall integrity of baseball. The sport has faced significant challenges due to past scandals involving steroid use, which have damaged its credibility. By actively testing players and enforcing consequences for those who fail, MLB can show that it takes fairness seriously. This transparency fosters a deeper connection between players and fans, who expect athletes to compete on equal terms. In the end, regular steroid testing is vital for safeguarding both the health of players and the integrity of baseball as a beloved American tradition.

Do you think they should be tested for steroids?

Do you think steroids are a bad thing?

Do you think some of the players that used steroids such as, barry bonds, or sammy sosa, would have been as good without them?

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  • Yes I think that they should be tested be only if they have reason to test them. I think that setriods can bring a lot of exciment to baseball but also baseball players would be rising there health for only a couple years of good baseball. I think that they woukld have been good but not reach the same level of greatness that they did.

  • I think that baseball players should be tested for steroids. It is not fair that some players can use them and not get caught, while others don't and they aren't as strong. I think that steroids are unfair and should be tested for. I believe that baseball should be tested.

  • I think baseball players should be tested. Steroids are bad for you in general and gives you a physical advantage. It isn't fair to other teams, and could and should get you kicked from the team. I think that baseballs players should be tested because of how unfair it is. 

  • They should be tested for them because they can sometimes be dangerous. Also it's cheating because it really doesn't show how you really are at your sport. But in some cases it can help you if you have medical issues. In the end I think that they should be tested for them.

  • I think that they should be tested for steroids its bad to play while on them and it dosent show how good you can be without them. I think they are bad they dont inhance your naturally playing ability. I think that they wouldnt of been good because your body was just relying on them and nothing else so you wouldnt be good without them. 

  • I think that no steroids should be used in any sports. It is just unfair and unprofessional. I don't know why  people would even think about using them because they're eventually going to get caught soon. Obviously steroids are bad for you, you can get so many bad effects from it, and sometimes it's obvious that someone is on steroids 

  • 1 & 2.) Steroids are bad in certain circumstances, but If you have medical reasons/problems they can be good. I still think baseball players should still be tested due to steroids being a physical and mental enhancer, that can give them advantages.

    3.) Yes, if I, for example, used steroids, I definitely would not be able to make it to the MLB. But they are there for a reason, so they would still be good, but maybe not as good.

  • Do you think they should be tested for steroids? I think they should be tested for steroids but I think that they make the leauge so much more fun to watch. Do I think steroids are a bad thing? I think if you take to much of them they can couse bad things to happen, but they also use steroids for many other things like illneses.

  • I think that there should be mandatory tests every 8 weeks so that no player can cheat. I think that steroids are only bad if they are illegal but if they were legall I would say that they are bad. I don't think that players as good as Barry Bonds would need them to be great, he was already a great player by the time he stgarted using them but after he started he got better and started to him more homeruns than anyone else had ever done.

  • I think that players should be tested for steroids because if they use steroids it is not fair for the other players. The tests should be done to make sure that they are not using because no player should use them as they can also be bad for your health.

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