Should America Provide Free Healthcare?

The debate of free healthcare in the United States is an ongoing discussion that holds many pros and cons. Many people believe that free healthcare is the key to one of the many problems we have: Medical expenses. As a country that's always triving to be better healthcare is constantly mentioned as something we can improve on. With many European countries providing free healthcare for their citizens, why doesn't America? 

A main reason for why the United States doesn't have free healthcare is because the resources and money needed to make it "free" is an astronomical amount. For example, in Canada, a lot taxes are much higher than in the U.S. This increase in taxes drastically helps provide for the so called "free" healthcare. Calling the healthcare free is kind of a sneaky lie. This is because the increase of taxes is comparable to the rates we pay in America.

There are many pros to free healthcare. For example, it is easily accessible and even people who are financially struggling can access it, this would be a major benefit to any country, considering the unemployed or homeless populations. Another pro is that free healthcare promotes visits to the hospital and routine checkups. This can then lead to early detection and prevention of potential disease and early treatment. However, there are many cons to free healthcare. For example, as I mentioned before the skyrocketing of taxes doesn't usually go well for people and is a major drawback to the free healthcare system. Another con is that resources could be majorly impacted. With everybody having an equall access to these resources, there could be an overconsumption of certain drugs which could lead to depletion of resources very quickly.

I feel that many Americans think that free healthcare is the greatest thing in the world, however I think if we were to institute this system, then reality would set in and people would be very negative towards the fact of higher taxes. This would then lead to people being opposed to the free healthcare system. So in conclusion, I think that either way if we have a free healthcare system or not, some people are going to be upset, whether it's from paying increased taxes, or not having a free system for their health insurance.

What do you think about America establishing a free healthcare system?

Would you be willing to pay the extra taxes if it meant free healthcare?

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  • I think no. I feel like our taxes in teh US are already very high and they dont need to be higher. If we had free health care it would be very bad in my opinion. I think that there are many cons to this and only little pros. One big pro of this is that it would help people who cant afford health care and it would also help the homeless. They would be able to get the help they need, and it would be a big benitfit to them. But i think it would just be bad overall for everyone else. 

    • I agree with the face that you said there is many cons and only a few pros. I think it would be helpful for homeless people and people who cant afford healthcare to get the chance at a healthy life. Overall though free healthcare would make problems in society arise.

  • I am also against the idea of free healthcare in the United States because it takes away from personal responsibility and a limited government. The costs that would go into making a free healthcare system would be extremely high, which would result in higher taxes for everyone. I think we should focus more on making healthcare more affordable through competition in private healthcare businesses. Lastly, letting the government control health care would take away from choices Americans have when they can select the best treatment for themselves.

    • Although I think taxes are very important for our economy to thrive, they are also very hurtful, as you stated in your comment, that higher taxes would hurt hard workers. I also believe that if we were to put free healthcare into the hands of the government, that's another thing that we as a democracy don't have as much control over.

  • I think that free healthcare in the United States would lead to many problems. First, the government would need to significantly increase taxes to fund the free healthcare system, which would not go over well with hard-working Americans. Also, higher taxes lead to less economic growth and stop businesses from wanting to create new things. This would have a long-term negative effect on the economy.

    • I agree with everything you stated there. Nobody likes to lose money to taxes and adding a very expensive tax like healthcare would put so many people over the edge. The economy would crash and everyone would riot against the goveronement.

  • The downfall of this would be paying extra taxes. I think many people would have a strong opinion about this factor, and would cause them to oppose free healthcare. I also think there might be a handful of people that don't mind paying a little extra to get better medical help. Theres many ways to look at this topic, and you overall have to think about what would better benefit the people. 

    • I agree with you. I also think there are so many ways to think about this and what truley benefits the people. I think no matter what we do people are gonna end up being mad over the final choice. I think it would help the people that cant afford health care out in many ways. 

  • I think there are advantges and disadvanvantages of free health care. While it would be helpful to some people who don't usually have the choice for medical care, it could also cause outrage from others. People who struggle with money could benefit from free healthcare systems. It might help make America healthier due to more oppurtunities of being treated. 

    • I  like how you mentioned the fact that it could create opportunities, however I think that it wouldn't be fair to those who might pay more based on their income if they just get the same treatments and medical care that those who don't make as much. I do think it would be a positive to provide for people less fortunate though.

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