Rising Food and Energy Prices

The topic that I chose as you can see is why prices of food and energy is going up. A large contributer to the rising food prices is the war with russia and ukraine. The reason why is because grain exports from Ukraine have been brought to a halt because Russia has stoped those exports counting for almost 10% of the worlds grain. Because so much food is not being sent out there is a lot less food with the same amiunt of demand leading to higher prices.


Another reason is an ingriedient in lots of fertiliezer is Urea. Urea prices have been going up due to lots of demand and less and less product. Urea is a natural occuring molecule made of 46% nitreogen. using urea in the fields can lead to a higher crop yield, but using to much can easily damage the fertilizer and will dramaticly lower the crops yield, which leads to lower amounts of food with high demand.


Some reasons that energy prices have hit a high that hadnt been seen since the 1970's is because there is less oil being made because there is less oil to drill from the earth. But prices are going to get higher because oil thats being used is coming from oil reserves instead of coming from the oil mills. Fossil fuel is also a huge contributer to our daily energy usage. The price for electricity from Fossil fuel is climbing because maintaining and replacing the machinery is very expensive, and has to be paid for.


What are some questions that you have?

What are some of your thoughts?

Do you have any ideas of how to fix these prices?



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    • The problem with lowering vehicle prices is that some companies are losing money with some of the cars they sell, and after googling what a tariff is I still dont know what it is.

  • What are some of the questions you have? Why cant we start growing the produce in america. That would solve our problem and is more likley to lower the prices of those goods. Why cant we find better and bigger ways to make electricty that do not reqire to burn fossil fuel to make the eletricity. Like wind turbines or solar pannels.

    • The problem with some foods is that some cant be grown in amarica because it doesent have the right conditions and have to be imported, and other foods are fragile and need delicate handling wich sometimes means being handpicked which is more labor leading to higher prices. When it comes to wind turbines the  energy produced can power nearly a thousand houses a year, but solar panels are costly for the amount of electricity they make. A wind turbine powering a thousand houses a year can pay itself off in 6 years and 7 months, while solar panel powering one house can take 8 years to pay off depending how much of your power comes from the solar panels.

  • These prices are getting higher and higher everyday and there will be one day where no one will be able to afford it. I understand the reason why these prices are rising because there is more demand than offer but we should find a way to fix it. Maybe there could be an alternative, I don't really know how to fix it.

    • That is a very good idea and I think that the government should be trying to help with the issue of rising prices more then they have been. One way that could lower the demand is to have more electric vehicles on the road and less combustion engines. Now obviosly people dont want to do that, so an idea i stole from a country in europe is lower taxs for people who get electric cars

  • I agree that gas pricezs are at an alltime hight rightnow because the demand is extreamly high, we use these fossil fuels for our vehicles. I also agree that the war is causing prices of different items and commottites to go up

  • I agree with the fact that we are using up all of the fossil fuels on earth and it has caused gas prices to skyrocket especially now that we are not getting the majority of our oil from Russia thanks to the war between them and Ukraine. When the War between Ukraine and Russia ends are we going to continue to get oil from them again or will we stop?

    • I do hope that oil shipments from russia will continue once the war is over but I connot be too sure. I think there is a high chance shipments will continue but it id not garenteed.

  • The U.S is resource and financially rich enough that nobody in America should really be struggling. But because of the fat cat wealth hoarders who have more money than any family could spend in 3 lifetimes, and their need/greed for even MORE money, we have a broken system that only benefits the rich, hurts the poor, and makes the middle class pay for it. Nothing will change until Americans actually come together, set aside their political/social differences, and demand real change. A great place to start is raising the ridiciolously low minimum wage to something actually reasonable to support hard-working people. Another way is resolving these never-ending wars that suck trillions of dollars out of taxpayers wallets that go to other countries instead of benefiting America. 

    • That was very well said and I totally agree. Thank you for your comment.

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