Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is the lowest amount of money that employers are required to pay for their workers. It was first established in the United States with the Fair Labor Standards Act or FLSA, of 1938. Back then, the minimum wage was just 25 cents an hour. This law was created during the Great Depression to help protect workers from being paid too little and to stabilize the economy.

Since then, the minimum wage has been updated several times to match changes in the cost of living. People still debate whether it is enough to cover basic expenses and whether raising it might lead to job losses or other economic problems. Even with these debates, the minimum wage is an important part of labor laws and aims to ensure fair pay for all workers.

My opinion on minimum wage is that it was a good thing to have at the time that it was passed. I also think it should have been raised by now with all of the inflation that has accrued in the past few years. I feel like it should be raised to at least 10 dollars up to even 15 dollars because 7.25 isn’t going to buy you much of anything.


What do you think about the current minimum wage amount?


What do you think it should be set at?

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    • That is a good point if we just lowered inflation we wouldn't need to raise the minimum wage but at the rate that inflation is raising you eventrually would need to raise the minimum wage. 

    • It is true that there are more important battles to fight but this one is still worth fighting for. Even if only 1.3 percent of the population get minimum waste it still is unfair for them because $7,25 is probably not going to get them anywhere and it is really hard for them to find a better job and have a good life.

  • Me personly i think it should be raised. the only way you could make a living salary is spending 80 percent of your time working. humans as is dont have a lot of time if any at all.

    • 80% of your time working is way to much in this economy. They need to raise the wage prices soon or people will be struggling and the US will go broke.

  • What do you think about minimum wage? I think minumin wage is a good thing becuase it enshures you gat paid atleat the amount that it is set at. In this case $7.25. I do think it should be raised becuse like you said there is not much you can get with $7.25 if thats your only source of income. So i think it should be raised to atleast $10

    • I agree it is a good thing to have but is too low and should be raised up to at least 10 dollars to 15 dollars. I agree with that there is not much to get with 7.25 dollars for a whole hour, your can't even buy a sandwich from your local store.

  • I think our minimum wage is way too low for how hard most of us people work. 7.25 is barley anything now-a-days, you cant even buy a pizza with that. I think the minimum wage should be at least at 12 dollars because that is what the state right next to us has ( Nebraska ).

    • I agree that Iowa should raise the minimum wage up to 12 dollars. That is a great price to set it at because you will make enough for a stable foundation if working as hartd as you did with getting paid minimum wage. That will aslo make many people come out poverty be able to make a living. 

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