Last Person Alive from the 1800's Passed Away

Emma Morano, and Italian woman aged 117 years and 137 days old, passed away on April 15, 2017. She is the oldest recorded living person with a lifespan stretching from November 29, 1899 to her death on April 15.  Morano holds the Guinness World Record titles for Oldest Living Person and Oldest Living Female, both of which will be hard to beat. Morano credited her longevity to her abusive marriage, eating raw eggs and cookies everyday, but scientists say genetics plays a larger role. She has had several relatives who also lived long lives. Morano says how her abusive marriage made her not want to be dominated by anyone. She was officially recognized as the last living person from the 1800's.

Image result for emma moranoImage result for emma morano young

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1. If you had the opportunity to live longer than a century, would you take it? If so, what would motivate you to keep at life if you outlive loved ones?

2. What do you think has changed the most since Emma was born?

My Opinion:

I don't know how I would be able to get along without loved ones my age who know what it's like to have lived through some rough times, but then again it would be so awesome to see the advancements of the world take place before my eyes. I guess I'm somewhere in the middle. I think technology and society have progressed the most since Morano was born. You can tell just by looking at the painted picture of her, they didn't even have cameras. I would be pretty amazed at how the world has changed, if I was her. She went from telegraph to wall phone to early cell phone to touchscreen smart phones.

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  • Well done Lindsey! -5 late

  • If I had a chance like this, I would probably want to live for over a century, but I'm also not sure how I would get along without my loved ones. I'm just kind of ambiguous on that. I think that technology has advanced the most in Emma's life, because suddenly we have TV and cell phones and other technological advancements that were never around in her time.

  • I don't think I would because I would want to have just a regular life full of love and laughter and then I'd die with happy memories of my life. I would want to live life to the fullest when I could and then leave my memories with my loved ones. I think technology for sure has changed from 1899, like lights, computers, phones, TVs literally everything has advances in such a short amount of time. 

  • I don't think I would want to live THAT long. Everyone else I love would die after a while. I would experience more loss than joy. I think that the world has changed drastically since the 1800's. There has been advancements in technology, medicine, society, ideas, and so many more things. I also think that there is more sadness in our current world and less determination.

  • I think it would be fun to live that long unless it was painful. I think it would kinda suck since most of your friends and family aren't there with you. The most that changed in her lifetime was defiantly technology and the world war those are two big things.

  • I think it would be cool to live that long, but I wouldn't want to because all of your loved ones would be dead. A lot of things have changed since her birth: The 2 world wars, technology are just 2 main points.

  • I think it would be nice to live for over a century, but if I were in a state in which I couldn't do anything due to my old age, I don't think it would be worth it, especially if I outlived everyone close to me from my earlier life. Many things have changed in her life: the world has gone through two world wars, technology has improved to what was previously unimaginable, and people of all types have become much more accounted for as opposed to discriminated against.

  • no i would not take it, just because of all the loss you would have to endure if you most likely outlive everyone you love. i would be awestruck at how the world has changed. its amazing what we can do as humans.

  • I would want to live a long life to see how the world changes and grows. It would also be sad because all of my family members would die and I wouldn't be able to see them anymore. Since Emma has been alive, there have been a lot of technology changes. 

  • That is crazy I think it would cool to experience it but I feel if you are that old you don't even know what is going on. Technology has defiantly evolved. 

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