Is Homework Beneficial?

The word “homework” dates back to ancient Rome and we are unsure who invented it. Pliny The Younger (a Roman author and administrator) had his followers practice their speeches at home. Homework continued as memorization exercises throughout the Middle Ages and Enlightenment by monks and scholars. In the 19th century, German students of the Volksschulenwere given assignments to complete outside of the school day. This concept of homework then quickly spread across Europe and was brought to the United States by Horace Mann. 


Studies have shown that homework has enhanced student achievement in terms of improved grades, test results and the probability to attend college. Research published in the High School Journal indicated that students who spent around 30 to 90 minutes a day on homework scored about 40 points higher on the SAT-Mathematics subtest than other students that spent no time on homework. Homework helps to strengthen classroom learning while also developing good study habits and life skills. Students usually only retain about half of the info that teachers provide in class so homework can help to remember/obtain more knowledge. These assignments can also provide valuable information for teachers to see how well the students know the curriculum. 


Some people think that too much homework can be harmful to our bodies and minds. High achieving highschool students said that too much homework can lead to less sleep, headaches, exhaustion, weight loss, stomach pains and other health related problems. A poll of California high school students showed that 59% of students thought they had too much homework and 82% of respondents said that they were "often or always stressed by homework." Emmy Kang, a mental health counselor, explained, "More than half of students say that homework is their primary source of stress." This shows how much homework can affect someone just through feeling stressed. Too much homework can also lead to students cheating off of each other, 90% of middle school students and 67% of highschool students admit to copying another person's homework. 


Personally, homework is helpful for scoring higher on tests and paying more attention in class. It's not always fun but it helps as a way of studying to remember important info. It may be stressful at moments but without homework people could choose not to always pay attention in class. 


Do you think homework is beneficial? Why or why not?


Do you think we should have homework? Why or why not?

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  • Yes I thinbk trhat homework in benificial it allows students to strive in there learning inviernment and gain in-teligance.  I think that homework should also come with time in class t o complete it and should be limited to only a couple pages a week and only certain subjects


  • If we define homework as an activity prescribed to be done at home for educational and training purposes, then the earliest recorded mention of homework was by Plutarch. In his life of Demosthenes, he described that in order to overcome his physical challenges in oration, his mentor prescribed "For his bodily deficiencies he adopted the exercises which I shall describe, as Demetrius the Phalerian tells us, who says he heard about them from  Demosthenes himself, now grown old. The indistinctness and lisping​ in his speech he used to correct and drive away by taking pebbles in his mouth and then reciting speeches. His voice he used to exercise by discoursing while running or going up steep places, and by reciting speeches or verses at a single breath. Moreover, he had in his house a large looking-glass, and in front of this he used to stand and go through his exercises in declamation." Demosthenes lived around 384 Bc, making this nearly 430 years older than Pliny the Younger.

  • I think homework is beneficial because then students have things to do after school instead of being on their phone so much. But also if the student is busy with sports or family it's a different case. Personally I think homework should be left in school cause when students are busy it takes away their sleeping time which also leads to less motivation and sleeping off in class.

    • The example you gave conflicts with what you first said about it being beneficial. Can you explain your change of opinion, and if you could describe any major noticeable benefits that you personally have seen.

  • I think homwork is beneficail, only if it doesnt take a lot of out of class time, because if there is no time to do it in class and ask questions then we arent able to understand what we are concerned about, causing us to potentially learn the wrong way. I do think it is beneficail when we are able to ask questions and practice remebering how to correctly do it. 

    • This is very correct because if we do all of the homework wrong then there was no point in even doing it if we learned it the wrong way. 

  • I think that homework can be benefitial because it can help to remember things or practice things that you don't understand that well. But if there is too much homework is does the opposite because the students get very stressed and don't do well so I think homework is benefitial when there is not too much.

  • I think homework if beneficial because it helps the students to pay attention more in class so they know what they are doing. It will also help the teacher know if you know what you are doing also. I think we should still have homework because it will help students pay more attention in class. It will also help students to learn more.

    • I believe that this also gives the teachers an understanding on whether or not the student knows how to do the assignment. And if they don't then the teachers can put them in classes to help them. 

  • I thin yes we should have homework, to an extent. I think homework can help us in a sense that we can use what we've learned and take that home to study it. I also think that if students have too much homework that it can cause the student to stress and worry about their school work. 

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