Is Euthanasia Ok?

     What is Euthanasia? Well it is a way of ending the life of a person if they are suffering. Usually being a sick person that has no chance of recovering and will just be in pain for the rest of their life. Now Euthanasia comes from Greek words having eu meaning good and thanatos meaning death. So instead of living a terrible painful death they would have euthanasia to end it giving them a good ending of their life. In 1870, a person named Samuel Williams proposed using morphine and anesthetics to end a patient's life. Then 35 years go by having people debate about euthanasia being a ok thing to do to people. 1906 there was an Ohio bill to legalize euthanasia but it ended up getting defeated. 


     There are different types of euthanasia for how people can die. The first one is the active authanasia which is killing a patient by active means. For example, injecting someone with a lethal dose of a drug to kill them. Next one would be the passive euthanasia and that is by intentionally letting a patient die by withholding life support. Like not giving them a ventilator or feeding tubes or if they are on them removing them. Another one would be if the patient wants to die and could be giving the option known as voluntary euthanasia. There are a lot more types of euthanasia that are kind of like the same thing but having different ways and techniques on how they do it. But in the end they are killing the patient so they don't suffer the pain they would if they kept on living.


     They're more people discussing on euthanasia arguing if killing the patients is an ok thing to do rather then them living their life until they die on their own causes. There are also claims about how people have the own rights to what they want to do when they want to die. Then people argue of mercy killing or people that are in no chance of recovery letting them take useless treatments that won't affect them. One big one is about killing vs letting them die and how it ends up being the same ending with the patient dead. Everyone's morality is about having a person die from natural causes is not as bad as compared to actually physically ending someones life especially an innocent person. 



   What do you think about Euthanasia?

   Do you believe it is ok?

   What type of Euthanasia would you go for?






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  • I can see how Euthanasia is a beneficial in some cases as many people have fought so long against sickness and want to be put out of their misery. The only way I see this being okay is if the patient asks for it, otherwise I do not think doctors should be the one to make the call. 

  • I think that euthanasia can be good in certain cases. For example if the person is suffering and there's nothing to do that could help the person then maybe euthanasia could be a good option because the person would stop suffering. 

    • I agree that it can be good in certain cases when it comes to dealing with pain that is hard to deal with and can't stand that sort of pain.

  • I really don't think that this is okay at all. people are dying becasue of it so i think when someone is dying from it the doctors need to try there hardest they can to save them and not just let them die. They need to help them and not just stand around and just watch the whole thing happen, that's not right to do at all. They need to start helping people that are dying from it and not just watch it all happen.


    • Euthanasia is a last resort for when theres pretty much no hope left and the only thing left for the person to do is wait and die a painful death, so how would putting someone out of their misery whos gonna die anyway wrong? 

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    • I agree that they should be doing it if a patient is dying cause you don't wanna see someone suffer for the last few days or hours that they have it's rough.

  • I believe euthanasia is okay, but only in scenarios where it is really needed. If there is no other way to end the patients suffering and they agree to do it then it should be okay to go through with it. 

    • If it is needed then yes it would be ok for them and why let them suffer when they already know they are gonna die it would just be cruel for them and hurtful.

  • What do you think about Euthanasia? I think it could be good and bad for several reasons. It could be good because if someone is hurting and has no chance of recovering, then yes i think it is good to let them go and go peacefully. It could be bad because it is just letting someone die and no doing anything so I see both sides. 

    • I can agree on this beacuse it is a good and bad thing because you are killing a person that hasn't done anything wrong but if it saves them from suffering that would be nice for them.

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