Do we need Border Security in the US?

Every country around the world has a border. The US decided to get a border so it can help protect us and prevent other people from coming into our country. Our Border Patrol was confirmed on May 28, 1924. Our border is located 6,000 miles from Canada and Mexico and 2,000 miles from coastal water surroundings. This makes it harder for people to get into our country since the border is so long.


There are many people around the border making sure there aren't any intruders coming in. The main introducers we want to keep out are terrorists and other people from other countries. Ever since 1924 our borders have changed so much. One of the times it changed was after 9/11. Now people are very strict and there is a lot of security so they can look for weapons or any gadgets that they might have on them.  


In my opinion I think we should have Border Security because I feel like it will help people in our country to feel safe. We won’t have to worry about as many terrorists or other people from other countries crossing our border. By keeping people out of our country illegally, it will help decrease costs of healthcare and education systems.


Do you think we should keep continuing to have our border?


Do you think the border is beneficial?


Do you think our border is getting stronger or weaker as the years go by? 



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    • I agree with what you said about how we should keep using our border. I disagree with you though about letting immigrants coming into our country, but I can see why you said that.

  • Yes, I think the United States should continue to have a border. I also think the border is beneficial because it protects us from people who have wrong intentions, and if they had right intentions they would come into the country legally. I think the border has become much weaker recently, and we need to step up on it's security. 

    • I agree with you about everything you said other than the border being weaker since I think the border is getting stronger. I believe the border is getting stronger because we are getting a lot more security than the years past.

  • I think it would be good to have border patrol because it helps fight against criminals and terrorists but I definitely think that it would be something we would need and not need at the same time  because what if a family was trying to escape their country because of something bad happening like a war. But also at the same time the border patrol and the wall is to reduce the amount of people coming in

    • I agree with about how the border is benifical and it will help with people not coming into our country. I disagree with what you said about how we should still let some people into our country for saftey reasons but I can see why you said that. 

  • I think the border is a good thing to keep around. Some people might have diffrent opinoins but it is for our safety. It keep dangerous criminals out of our country and keeps us safe. I think the border has gotten stronger since donald trump went to focus on it.

    • I agree with what you said about how the border is benificial. I also agree with you about how it will help keep our country safe. I also liked how you said that the border is getting stronger throughout the years.

  • I think the border wall is getting stronger by the years. Because Presidents want to keep the wall stronger and better, to keep out illgeal imagrates that try to cross it. But how long will we have this border wall for? But I also think that its not really that beneficial to us, because were stoping from people comming to American that in some parts in mexico are very dangerous and want to move some place safe like America. But some people think that all of mexicans are bad people that come to the U.S but some of them aren't.

    • I agree with what you said about how the border has been getting stronger throughout the years. I disagree with you since you said the border is benificial. I personally think it will be really dangerous in our country if people are coming in from other countries.

  • I think we should continue to have a border. It makes it so dangerous people are coming into the country. I think the border Is beneficial because it keeps people who are illegal from coming into our country. Our country cannot care for as many people who want to come to the U.S.  

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