Do we need Border Security in the US?

Every country around the world has a border. The US decided to get a border so it can help protect us and prevent other people from coming into our country. Our Border Patrol was confirmed on May 28, 1924. Our border is located 6,000 miles from Canada and Mexico and 2,000 miles from coastal water surroundings. This makes it harder for people to get into our country since the border is so long.


There are many people around the border making sure there aren't any intruders coming in. The main introducers we want to keep out are terrorists and other people from other countries. Ever since 1924 our borders have changed so much. One of the times it changed was after 9/11. Now people are very strict and there is a lot of security so they can look for weapons or any gadgets that they might have on them.  


In my opinion I think we should have Border Security because I feel like it will help people in our country to feel safe. We won’t have to worry about as many terrorists or other people from other countries crossing our border. By keeping people out of our country illegally, it will help decrease costs of healthcare and education systems.


Do you think we should keep continuing to have our border?


Do you think the border is beneficial?


Do you think our border is getting stronger or weaker as the years go by? 



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    • I agree with what you said about the border being benifical. I also agree with what you said about if people are coming in through the borders it is dangerous for everyone in our country.

  • yes i think our border should keep meing mantained. people breaking into our contry could reek havoic everywhere. yes, our border defines freedom, and the wasteland. 

    • I agree with what you said.

  • I do believe that we should have border security because of the many cases of people coming into the U.S. illegally. It would help the cost of health care if this wasn't the case.

    • I agree with what you said.

  • I believe that we should have a border and keep people from coming in illegally. I strongly believe that the border is beneficial because it keeps out murderers, rapists, and sex trafficers. The border has gotten significantly weaker under the Biden, Harris administration with them giveing more leverage to the illegals by making more laws giving them better chance of coming in to our country. 

    • i also agree with how you said our border makes it so bad people don't just walk into our country but i disagree  with how you said our border is getting weaker because our border IS getting stronger and better almost every year

    • I agree with what you said about how the border is benificial. I disagree with what you said about how the border is getting weaker since I said that the border is getting stronger.

  • Yes I think we should keep a border or the population of the US is gonna get way out of control and inbalanced. I think the border has its benefits and its downsides but I think its a positive because it filters out exactly who gets into our country.  I also think people are gonna get into the border no matter what secuirity measures are taken.  My opinion on the strength of the border isn't too trustworthy because I haven't been there but I'd have to say based on observation that it has gotten weaker because a lot more immigrants are coming in then they used to. I believe most of the immigrants are here to work and contribute to society but I reckon some people getting through are here for more nefarious reasons such as drug trafficking or terrorism.

    • I agree with how you said the border helps keep the population from rising a ton and how it makes sure bad people don't cross our border into our country illegally but i do disagree with the fact that the border is getting weaker because we are constantly making it bigger .

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