Should Cell Phones Be Banned?

   Schools are starting to ban cell phones because they are becoming a big problem for schools, according to studies by KFF, and CBS News. This debate is starting to get more and more popular each day. Educators around the country say, "students are less focused than ever," (Most, 2023). Schools have been looking into banning phones for more than 30 years. In 1989, Maryland passed a law that banned taking pagers and "cellular phones" to school. Students who violate this could face fines and jail time. In the 1990s, more and more students brought their phones to school. Some school districts made bans to remove devices that were distracting in class. After the Columbine and 9/11 attacks, schools decided to unban phones to contact their parent in case there was an emergency. The ban managed to make its return in the 2010s due to popular social media apps like Facebook taking arise. 90% of schools prohibited phone usage during school hours. Some students lived in low-income families. Those who couldn't buy a laptop for school used their phone. This caused some school to rethink their decision. By 2016 only 2/3 of schools had bans which is still a lot. But since then the reason schools want to push the rule further is because of cyberbullying. And the constant use of social media in school has made more schools consider this ban.

     Some people think that cell phones should be banned, and some don't think they should be banned. Statistics show that it's the mental health that causes the ban. And because we aren't paying attention to the teacher.  The UNESCO report was posted on the Washington Post. "School should ban smartphones. Parents should help." This one quote that stood out to me. "Students need to learn the risks and opportunities that come with technology, develop critical skills, and understand how to live with and without technology," UNESCO said. Unlike them, the U.N. Agency stated that exposure to digital cell phones helps students understand and develop critical parts of emerging technology.

     My opinion on this debate is we should have our phones in school. In case an emergency were to happen, our safety is being able to contact our parents from whatever. Cell phones have proven to upgrade a student's academic learning. Phones have tools that are not available to everyone. They can improve the idea of creativity. Those are the reasons I want them to be in school, but in some cases where I would be fine if the schools got rid of phones if we just paid attention to our phones. And not to the teacher giving the lesson. Or if there were cases of cyberbullying being made. And we lose the sense to communicate with each other on one or when we are to be in a group. But we also need to look at our mental health and how it's affected by it or how our attention span is decreasing. Computer scientists who studied attention spans say over the last 20 years we are down to 8 seconds. 20 years ago we used to have an attention span of 2 minutes to around 45 seconds. 


Do you think they should ban cell phones?

Should teachers be allowed to take away our phones?

Do you think that students pay more attention to phones than to the teachers?



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  • Great topic choice nd very well done! 

  • I believe schools should not ban phones because we can use them for many important things, such as keeping in contact with family/friends. They can also be helpful for doing assignments, since you can use a calculator or research a topic. As long as students are being responsible on how they use their phone and when, schools should not have to take them. If students are on their phone instead of doing an assignment or when they aren't supposed to have them out, teachers could take points off the assignment to motivate kids to do their work more instead of taking their phones.

    • I agree cell phones can be valuable tools for assignments and research and they make learning easier. They should be responsible for them and points given by teahcer could be deducted it students misuse their phones. But overall it ensures safety and should not be misused by students.

  •  Cellphones can be used to cheat during exams or assignments through text messages, internet searches, and hidden notes. Banning them can help maintain academic integrity.If phones are turned faced down on desks, it shouldn't be a problem for teachers, as long as the student is well engaged in class.About seven-in-ten (72%) say that students being distracted by cellphones is a major problem in their classroom, compared with 33% of middle school teachers and 6% of elementary school teachers.

  • I belive it violates our rights when teachers takeaway our phones for more than one class periode. I do however feel like they should be abel to take it away for the period if you did not do what they asked you to do with it.

    • I agree with your statement, They should take it away if you are not paying attention to them. Having our phones is our personal belonging and I understand taking it away for one period, but for the whole day is something I think students don't want. 

  • I do not think schools should ban cell phones, because school shooting numbers are rising and if that were to ever happen I think students should be able to contact their loved ones. I believe if the students fails to listen or respect their teacher, the teachers should be able to discipline them by taking the students phone. In some cases, yes I see students paying more attention to their phones then their teachers, but very few. I think if this were to happen then the solution to this is taking the students phone instaed of banning them for everybody. 

    • I agree with you on your oipion about if a school shooting was to happen and we didn't have acess to our phone we would struggle to contact attorites more then if we did have them. I also agree with your statment about student paying more attention ot them compared to the teacher

  • In certain emergencies, would you say that it would not be possible for students to contact parents even with cellphones? For example, in a lockdown everyone i the school is supposed to hide and be quiet, and using a cellular device, even just to text could defeat the purpose. What do you think and how would you propose these issues could be dealt with.

  • Do you think they should ban cell phones? No, I do not think schools should ban phones. If there was ever an emergency like an intuder in the school, a fire, or possibly a natural disaster such as a tornado, students should be allowed to contact their parents or guardians. Taking phones away could cause major problems, such as what if a parent needed to talk to their student right away. It could take lots of time for the parent to call the school and eventually talk to their child. Cell phones make it almost instant. 

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