Are Energy Drinks Good or Bad for Your Health?

Over the years energy drinks have been very popular amongst teens and college students who need a energy boost. However, the health of these energy drinks are a hot topic and a very big debate. most people say that these energy drinks can offer some benefits and others say there is crucial ingredients and potential health risks and may have many bad effects on the body. But what is your opinion?

Why energy drinks might be bad?Energy drinks contain a combination of caffeine, sugar, vitamins, and other compounds. Most energy drinks have a lot of sugar which can be very bad for you. Every energy drink has caffeine and caffeine is an addictive ingredient that increases your heart rate. Also, most energy drinks contain more than double of the recommended daily intake of sugar in a single serving. 

Why energy drinks might be good for you? Some energy drinks have certain benefits like for example caffeine can make you improve physical performance and decrease being tired during exercise on a day-to-day basis. Some of energy drinks also say that they contain natural ingredients. 

Health risks and concerns- Even though some of these energy drinks may contain potential benefits there are also health risks with these energy drinks . High caffeine intake can lead to increased heart rate, high blood pressure, and feeling jittery. also, the high sugar in the energy drinks can contribute to obesity, dental problems, and risk of type two diabetes.

In my opinion, I feel like some energy drinks are better than others, as when they don’t have a lot of milligrams of caffeine and have more than just one benefit towards your health . 


Do you think there should be an age restriction on energy drinks? 

Do you think the marketing of the brand is targeted towards teens and young adults rather than adults? 

Do you think energy drinks are good or bad for you?,%2C%20heart%20rate%2C%20and%20breathing.&text=These%20drinks%20are%20often%20used,effect%20on%20the%20nervous%20system.


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    • I agree, they try to make these drinks that aren't good for your health, look fun and taste good. 

  • I think that energy drinks can be bad if drank in excess but if you only have one once in a while they're not that bad. I do think that the marketing of energy drinks is more targeted towards teens and young adults because they know that they will be the ones that consume them the most but I do not think that it should be that way.

    • I agree with you, that having one so often isnt as bad as having one or more a day, but I also agree with having an age restriction. I also agree with them targeting energy drinks towards teens but know that its really bad for us. 

  • I don't think that there should be an age restriction on energy drinks but a childs parents should be able to monitor what their kid intakes and teach them the right things to put in their body. I don't think that energy drinks are good for your health but most food that humans intake isn;t good for them.

  • I dont really think there should have an age limit because even if there is one kids will still drink the energy drinks unless the law is actually enforced. I do thing that there should be some sort of label to warn people about the amount of caffine they are consuming.

    • I understand where you are going with my idea, but making everyone aware with what energy drinks really do to your health and state of mind. 

  • I think the marketing of the brand is targeted at teens rather than adults because young kids think energy drinks are fun and cool because they taste good. Teens may want to boost their energy throughout the day by drinking some type of energy drink. What most teens don't understand or don't care to understand is the amount of caffeine they take in when they drink these beverages. Energy drinks should not be allowed to have more than double the amount of caffeine in them, it is causing heart problems, diabetes and many more health risks to young teens and older people too. 

    • I agree with you, not only do teens think it is fun and cool but they wan to fit in and drink the energy drinks to be "cool" in front of people. I also agree with teens not caring about what things they put in their body from a energy drink

    • I agree with what you said in your comment. I agree with what you said about how the energy drinks are more targeted to teens than adults. Most of the time when you are out in public you can find more teens drinking energy drinks than adults. 

    • I agree with yout comment. I do agree that the marketing companies are using the bright colors to make children want their product. I also agree that some teens don't understand the amount of caffeine that they are in taking. I also think that they should lower the max amount of caffeine that is legal to put in an energy drink. 

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