Tuesday Sep 29

We talked about our debate again today. We started with minimum wage. Republicans think there should be no minimum wage and the democrats think that there should be.Health Care-Rebulicans- they want to leave the health care the way it is with you haveint to buy your own health care or your company that you work for doing it for you.Democrates-believe that they need to change the health care system to a goverment system that way everyone has health care. They also want the money to come from the rich so they will tax the rich more.TaxesRepublicans- think that taxes are a dirty five letter word and that they take money from the people.Democrats- think that taxes are good and need to be raisedMIlitary SpendingRepublicans- believe that we need to fund the militaryDemocrats- Believe in funding the military but dont believe in funding the vetrans
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