October 14th

We started off class with looking over the Europe map, Chenya talked about her blog also. We then went over what our oral test is going to be. Then were going over the democrat and republican slide show bruns made. All of these will be his words. Not all democrats or republicans agree on everything with their party. He then started talking about brian williams saying that obama doesnt do any wrong, well this isnt the truth it was just an example. Fox News vs CNN is miedia bias versus each other.It is put of that small towns and rural areas are republican and big areas will be democrats. Poor people vote for the democrats because they have more money to support them with benifeits. They have the electoral college vote on the amount of people in the congress for the state. Republicans are conservative, and democrats are not.Republicans favor instatutions and status quo, lazzies faire, favor limited role for government they help themsevles and dont rely on the government, favor lower taxes, believe in the trickle down theory, believe in rugged individulism. Democrats are liberal. They all have a favor in change in society, oppose government intervention into ones private and social life, support regulations on econmic activity role for government in society, believe that involvement be inviromental, and they are willing to increase taxes to support programs.
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