Assigned blog 7

 Richard Nixon was the 37th president and he started out with the Reconciliation goal. The reconciliation goal was meant to calm America's home land during the overseas battles and improve U.S. relationship with U.S.S.R. and China. Other accomplishments while in office were revenue sharing, ending the draft, new anti crime laws, and a broad environmental program, and the Watergate scandal. Revenue sharing is a government sharing tax money. He end the draft by renewing the draft until he could pull out the troops he stopped drafting in future generations.  New anti crime laws Stated that an organized crime will be terminated by the law enforcers. Environmental Programs were bills like Environmental Protection Agency and the landmark Clean Air Act. Going further, in 1972 Nixon signed the Coastal Zone Management Act; the Ocean Dumping Act; the Marine Mammal Protection Act; the Federal Insecticide, Fungide, Rodenticide Act; and the Toxic Substances Control Act. Nixon's term also saw passage of the Endangered Species Act in 1973 and the Safe Drinking Water Act in 1974 all of them were to protect the earth. Richard was the 5th most green president in history.


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  • Perhaps a bit brief. Break info into paragraphs and be sure to include personal thoughts!

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