
Today we continued with Mr. Brun's presentation. We started with Lee Harvey Oswald.Lee was in the military and wasn't the best but was a good shooter. He went to the Sovient Union and met his wife, Maria. They married and had a baby in June. They came back to the United States. He loved Cuba and was a communist. Oswald bought a Mannlicher Carcano Rifle. When he was riding to work with his friend, he brought a big paper bag and when he asked what was in it, Oswald said it was curton rods. He went to his other apartment, not the one that his wife and kid lived in, and got another gun. There was a police officer that he shot. After that, he ran toand hid in a shoe store. Oswald was arrested in the Texas Theatre. When they were trying to arrest him, he tried to punch someone and then he tried to shoot another person. When he was talking to the press, he said "I'm a patsy". In the next day or two, he was transferred to a different jail. Then, he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby. Jack was jewish so he changed his last name to Ruby to hide it from people. He was a night club owner. He knew alot of police officers and considered himself friends with them, he would bring them dohnuts. When he decided he was going to kill Oswald, he had his dog with him and heard on the scanner that Oswald was going to be transfered. Jack said that he killed Oswald because he didn't want Jackie to have to come back and face him in court. The Warren Commision was the offical document that said Oswald killed Kennedy and wounded Governer Connally. It also concludes that Oswald did this alone.
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