
Today we started talking about our assigned blogs. I am doing mine on 9/11. We talked about how to write blogs. We have to use good grammer, punctuation, summarizing, like in our own words. We will get 8 point off for no pictures. 6 pts. off for no personalization or out input. You get no points for plagiarization. We talked about our reflective blogs and how we should do them.Then Nate, Shelbie, and Brandon presented. They talked about HSCA. HSCA was created in 1976. It was the review of the Warren Report. It found that Oswald fired 3 shots at JFK and they think that maybe a fourth shot was fired. They had sound evidence that there might be two shooters. Evidence show no conspiracy. They believe JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy. They were unable to identify the other gunman. These groups weren't involved:Anit-Castro Cuban Group, Soviet government, Cuban government, and a few more groups. They never investigated possible conspiracires. There wasn't much investigation at all.Main difference was that the House Select Commitee looked into conspiracies. They believed that there was a shooter from the grassy knoll. The first shot fired missed but the second shot hit JFK. The same bullet hit JFK and Conally. The third shot that was fired killed JFK. The third bullet hit him in the head. His head jerked back and to the left because of Nueromuscular spasm. They had a goat expiriment where they shot a goat and it's head did the same motin. JFK's suit jacket was wrinkled showing that it might be only one shot. Technology says more than one shooter.I learned a lot about the House Select Comittee. I didn't even know there was a comittee like that.
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