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Ch. 7.1:

Why did immigrants come to the US?

immigrants went to cities because the were cheaper and there were also jobs

Where did immigrants come from?

Europe and Asia.

What problems/issues did immigrants face on the trip over and once they got here?

there were challenges like the bad living conditions.

houses on the outside of town

  • it made it harder to go to work
  • streetcars helped (1873 San Francisco)
  • subways (Boston 1897)

renting a small room

  • dark
  • no indoor plumbing
  • 1870s filtration was invented
  • 1908 chlorination
  • there was no trash collection and the streets were full of manure and trash
    • pigs would eat garbage to clean it
  • crime was another major problem
  • there were drains that would help remove manure, but they didn't help much
  • settlement houses
    • est. late 1800s by reformers
    • in bad neighborhoods 
    • run a lot by middle class college educated women
    • they helped educate immigrants and gave them a better place to live

Why did some people want to put restriction on immigration? What were those restrictions?

Ch. 7.2

Why did cities grow so quickly in the late 1800's and early 1900's?

What problems did cities fact due to the rapid increase in population?

What did some people do to try to help the bad situation in the cities?

Ch. 7.3

What was the political machine and what did they do for a city?

Tell me about Boss Tweed and the Tweed Ring.

What caused all this corruption in government?

What laws came about to reform government?

Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, Chester Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, Grover Cleveland and William Mckinley were all presidents during the late 1800's. Were they a reform president or a status quo president?

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