
Continued from TuesdayCh. 7.2Why did cities grow so quickly in the late 1800's and early 1900's?Immigration, farmersWhat problems did cities face due to the rapid increase in population?Crime, Fire, housing, transportation, water, sanitation.What did some people do to try to help the bad situation in the cities?Settlement houses- place for immigrants and poor people which helped them learn the basic necessities of life. Such as jobs, English, history, painting and cultures. Started building parks to make the cities look nicer, and have more entertainment. Started building things for people to do in the cities. Social Gospel Movement was created by the Christians who wanted to help the poor.Ch. 6.3-What was Social Darwinism and how did it apply to business?-Tell me about Andrew Carnegie.Andrew Carnegie- born in Scotland, came to america in 1848, became a private secretary to the local superintendent of the Pennsylvania railroads, wanted to make good product cheaply, attracted talented people, controlled steel industry. Came up with the Vertical Integation-buy out suppliers to control raw materials and transportation systems. (see diagram on page 242) Horizontal Intregation- bought out companies that made similar products.Monopoly- to control your opponiants. formed by one company buying out the others to gain personal benefit. When a firm buys all the competitors.-Tell me about John D. Rockefeller.John D. Rockefeller- revolutionized the petroleum industry, joined with competing companies in trust agreements(turn the stock over to a group of trustees, Sherman Antitrust Act- make it so people are fair, can't drive people out of business unfairly. CAPTON OF INDUSTRY and ROBBER BARRONS- looked up to because they were wealthy and sucessful, despised of because they drove people out of business and jacked prices up to whatever they wanted.This is be continued on Thursday
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