


The Chruch

  • The Chruch established monasteries and convents were monks and nuns lived
  • One monk, Benedict, wrote strict rules for monasteries adn how monks were to live
  • Monks opened schools, maintained libaries, and copied books



  • Clovis deafeated other germanic tribes and unfified gaul into one large state and became allied with the Church in rome
  • Clovis brought Christianity to the Franks in Gaul
  • His wife was christian and during the battle which the franks were losing, Clovis prayed to the Christian god and ended up winning the battle


Pope Gregory

  • Pope from 590 to 604 CE
  • Expanded the Pope’s role to just spiritual but also secular( worldly, non-religious)
  • Gregory used church revenues to raise armies, repair roads and help the poor
  • The idea of a churchly kingdom, ruled by a Pope, would be a central theme of the Middle Ages


The Franks

  • By 700, though, the king served mainly a ceremonial fucntion and the real political power lay with the major domo
  • In 719 the major domo was Charles Martel, aka charles “ The Hammer”
  • Martel led armies, made policy, and basically ran the kingdom


  • The Muslims were unable to break into eastern europe due to the Byzantine Empire, so they went in another way through spain
  • At this point, Muslims held Spain and one Muslism leader sent a raiding pary across the Pyrenees Mountains into France
  • 80,000 Muslims engaged 30,000 franks under Charles the Hammer
  • The Muslims relied on heavy cavalry charges, armed with lances and scrimitars
  • The Franks were mainly infantry armed with axes, swords and javelins
  • The Franks established a defensive square and dared the Muslims to attack, which they died
  • After Tours, the Muslims never again make a serious invasion across the Pyreness(mountains between France and Spain)


Pepin the Short

  • Pepin is Charles Martel’s son and he becomes major domo in 741
  • Pepin thought he should be king so asked the pope to decide who should be king: the guy with the title or the guy with the power
  • Since the pope depended on the Franks for defense against the Lombards, he sided with Pepin and declared him” king by the grace of God’
  • The frankish nobles made it official by making him king
  • Pepin becomes the first king of the Carolingian



  • After Charlemagne’s Death, his son, Louis the Pious, became Emperor
  • Louis was very religious but not a good leader
  • He had three sons- Lothair, Charles the Bald, and Louis the German
  • After Louis the Pious died, his three sons fought for control of the empire and eventually signed the Treaty of Verduam.






  • Riding Horseback came about under the reign of Charles Martel
  • Learned from Muslim cavalry when they fought
  • Horseback soldiers changed the tide of battle


Technology of Warfare Changes

  • Saddles adn stirrups
  • Saddles- kept the warrior firmly seated
  • Stirrups Handle heavier weapons
  • War horses played a key military role

The Warrior’s role in a Feudal Society

  • Europe ws a battleground of nobles who wanted power
  • To defend their territories, Lords raised private armies-knights
  • Knights devoted their lives to war


Roles of Knights

  • Defended the territories
  • Service for land
  • Was only held to 40 days of combat a year
  • In time off, trained for war by wrestling and hunting
  • Gained experience fighting in local wars and tournaments



  • Knights were expected to show courage in battle, loyalty to their lord, and to protect the weak and poor
  • Ideal knights were loyal, brave, and courteous
  • Most knights failed to meet these standards
  • In reality, treated the poor brutally


The Code of Chivalry

  • The Code of Chivalry stated that a knight must flight bravely in defense of three masters. 
  • Earthly feudal lord, heavenly lord, chosen lady
  • Code of Chivalry- a complex set of ideals


Knight of Training

  • Praced fighting with skills with other pages using wooden shields and swords
  • At 14 the page became a squire
  • Squires are people who take care of knight’s horses, clear armor, and accompany knights to the battlefield
  • Had to be ready to fight with real weapons and war skill
  • Around age 21 the squire becomes a knight
  • After being dubbed a knight, many men travel for a year or two


Dubbing Ceremony

  • Squires would kneel before a knight, lord or king who would tap the squire’s shoulders


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