
We talked about how cities started beautification ordinances. How pigs were set loose to eat all the garbage in the cities. Just basically about how the cities in the time period were such crap.Andrew Carneige- Born in Dunferline Scottland, He came to America in 1848. Becam,e a private secretary to o the local superintendent of the Pennsylvania Ralroad, looked for ways tpo make a good product cheapy. Attracted talented people and offered them stock for his company, controlled almost the whole steel industry.Verticla and Horizontal Integration- Vertifcal intergration was a process that Carneigh used to buy out his supplers so he could controlled the raw materials, and transportation systems. Horizontal intergration was when he bought out companies that made similar products as him.Monopolies- Buying out every business in a field and be able to charge whatever.John D Rockefeller- Revolutionized the petroleum industry.
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