
Ray started his slideshow today. Chapter 6 section 1-Bessemer Steel--Iron was hard to work with because it rusted a lot and it broke. They invented a way to make steel from iron. Stell was better because it was flexible and it didn't rust.Higgins--He was the person who thought there was oil in the springs. Nobody really believed him.Anthony F. Lucas--He was the only person to invest in Higgins. He was really the only person who believed him. In the 1900 they started to look for the gold. It took a while but they found it. This started the Texas oil boom.Black Gold--People called the oil black gold. This is when people started using oil for like kerosene lamps.Edwin L. Drake--He was the first person to drill with a steam engine. The oil thing originally started in Kentucky, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and then it went to Texas.The government stayed out of businesses. They let people do what they wanted with their business. The businesses grew which created more jobs.The light bulb was already invented but Edison made it better. That allowed people to work longer They typewrither was invented and helped people with like documents and stuff. The telephone was also invented and it allowed businesses to sell more.That was the end of Ray's section.Austin started his presentation. Chapter 6 section 2-The Age of the Railroads.The age of the railroads-They made the first transcontinental railroad. The railroads made time zones.The provided jobs because they made the railroads. They made our country smaller. Railroads were over charging. It was very dangerous and immigrants got very little pay.New towns and cities were being created because of the railroads. People were opening markets and stuff next to the railroads.The railroads provided jobs. They made our country smaller. Railroads were over charging. It was very dangerous to work at the railroads and immigrants got very little pay.The farmers didn't like the railroad prices. They were getting cheated out of thier money. The farmers got together and made up The Grangers. They made up laws. They wanted fair prices among everyone for the railroads. The law was passed. Mund vs. Illinois was taked to court. The railroads said it was a free country and they should be able to do what they want. The court took the grangers side.The Interstate Commerce Act was created in 1887. This act was so that the government could supervise railroads and be sure that they were charging fair prices. This was the first time that the government was looking out for the regular people.Grangers were farmers. They made up Granger Laws. If you were charging two dollars to one person then you had to charge that much to another person. It had to be fair. The railroads took it to court because they thought it was unfair because it was a free country. Mund vs. Illinois. The court ruled in favor to the grange. It was overturned in many states. The interstate commerse act said that they could put maximum rates on railroads.That was the end of Austin's section.
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