2Jacob's Posts (70)

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Week of October 20-24

Monday- We talked about new forum posts. We talked about how we can earn extra credit through Iowa Assessments. We also watching the video projects.

       Death With Dignity- Also terminally in patients to take a pill that will peacefully end their life if they are in much pain. This pill is only legal in 5 different states and of the 5 two of the states you need a doctor to prescribe you the pill. In the first two minutes of taking the pill, you slowly become unconscious and in the next 25 you pass away peacefully. 

Tuesday- Went over the Canada Map and moved on to our next video project.

     High School Drop Outs- Majority of students who drop out of school are because 1 of 3 reasons. The first the are too behind in school and can't catch up. The 2nd have to provide for a family. And the 3rd they get bored and don't learn anything and must provide for their families. It's sad that last year we had about 14 total students drop out of Harlan Community. 

Wednesday- Talked about 3 teenage girls who were arrested for trying to flying to Germany and cross the border to join ISIS

We also talked about the recent shooting in Canada's Parliament.

We took the class quiz over Canada and then finished some Video presentations. 

       Rape- My Project

Thursday-  Talked about how UNC has had several teachers give fake classes so that athletes may pass the courses and play their sports. The class are easier and more lenient. 

Friday- No school

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Week of October 14-17

Monday- No school

Tuesday- We talked about the new forum posts that are now up along with our Iowa Assessments that will be held next Tuesday. We also talked about our Video projects that are due next Monday and the expectations for our videos.

Wednesday- We watched an update on the ebola virus and for the rest of the class period we worked on our video projects. 

Thursday- We reviewed the Canada map for the upcoming test. The rest of the class period we had to work our our video projects.

Friday- We took the Canada Map test along with ebola cases and other guys who might have it after coming home from Africa who are quarantined inside their own houses. We also dicussed previous plagues and outbreaks in world history this day. 

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Week of October 6-9

Monday- We studied and reviewed for our big test that would decide whether or not we would be able to participate in the group test following the next day

Tuesday- We took the test. This test was 10 questions in essay form. In each question there were sub-topics that we were to get into deeper detail. 

Wednesday- We took the group test and got 50/50!! It was a tough test about broad topics

Thursday- We talked about how we could make our form post better and more interesting. We discussed how we could get extra credit for the end of the quarter. We got new seating arrangements:(

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Week of September 22-26


Tuesday: Took the class test watched a video  

Wednesday: Watched a video about Obama

Thursday: Talked about sexism and how men are more superior


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Assigned Blog #1

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was considered to be Osama Bin Laden’s right hand man in the terrorist group called al-Qaeda. Mohammed admitted to doing various horrible things in his life time just a few include masterminding the attack on the Twin Towers, shoe bomb in an airliner, killing of Daniel Pearl, and a night club bombing in Indonesia to name a few of many. But was Khalid’s mind always filled with treacherous deadly thoughts?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammad was born on April 14th, 1965 in Baluchistan, Pakistan. He became part of the Baloch ethnic group and ended learning a variety of languages. After hearing a speech he went and called for jihad against the Soviets. He came to the United States to attend Chowan College in North Carolina and later transferred to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University to get a bachelors in Science in mechanical engineering. He went back to Pakistan and his hate for the U.S. began as he learned about the U.S. foreign policy favoring Israel. He married and moved his family to Qatar.

Right now Mohammed is kept custody in Guantanamo Bay detention camp where the CIA has brought out copious amounts of information. He was captured in 2003 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan where he was in hiding. Khalid was captured by the CIA and Inter-Services Intelligence and was handed over to the U.S. government.

Opinion: Some say that what the CIA is doing to him is considered torture but to me it’s called serving justice. He has killed thousands of people and stood behind Bin Laden through it all. I hope though that what we are doing isn’t too inhumane. I believe that he has what is being given to him.

Cited Sources:




Image- http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Justice/2012/0404/Guantanamo-trial-of-9-11-mastermind-Khalid-Sheikh-Mohammed-is-on-again

Image- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1545643/Profile-Khalid-Sheikh-Mohammed.html

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Week of September 15-19


1. What was President Bush doing when he heard of the attacks?

In a school classroom

2. According to President Bush, what is the first thing a leader needs to do for the country in times of crisis?

Stay calm

3. Why did the Secret Service refuse to allow President Bush to go back to Washington D.C. right away?

Because they were afraid of other planes might target D.C.

4. What did the US government/military do to to ensure another attack did not occur?

Land all aircrafts

Any plane not responding and up will be shot down

No more planes take flight

5. Why was President Bush sent to  Air Force Base in Omaha?

Secure bunker in the middle of country safe

6. Why did President Bush eventually insist on going back to Washington D.C. later that day against the will of the Secret Service?

He wanted the speech to be in his home so that the terrorist didn't think he was scared

7. What was the point of President Bush's message to the nation on the evening of 9-11?

Everything is going to be fine declare war without actually declaring war. Bring justice

8. Why did President Bush decide not to blame the CIA/FBI for not doing their job?

Because you aren't solving any problems. Wanted to move forward and fix things never let it happen again.

9. How did President Bush feel when he heard that Osama bin Laden had been killed?

He had a sense of closure, gratitude, glad justice had been served.

Why did they attack?

To help push the Soviets out of Afghanistan

United States had forces in the Middle East and wanted us out

 Osama Bin Laden was very protective of his territory very strict (Osama Bin Laden's Letter to America 2002)

Doesn't think U.S. shouldn't be on Muslim grounds. Infidel invading their holy land. 

We were allies with Israel

Jealous that he could never beat us Americans

Impact on U.S. Long Term and Short Term? 

ST- Airlines were shut down for several days depending

LT- Airport security is more strict

ST- Cancelled sports games and tv shows

LT- Lost of chronic diseases being from dust 20% of adults had pdsd

LT- lots of people had lost loved ones

LT- made TSA Transportation Security Administration 

ST- late night talk shows are cancelled being the usually make fun of politics

LT/ST- war in Afghanistan took place

ST- parents didn't let kids go to school

LT- price of oil and gas went up 

ST- National parks shut down


Means the base

Led by Osama bin Laden

Terrorist group that had the attack on the Twin Towers

Trying to get the Soviets out of the Middle East

Osama Bin Laben

Very rich, very well educated

Had 50 half brothers and sisters

Came from his fathers 10th wife

Dad died in a plane crash when he was 10 years old

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Week of September 8-12

Monday- was a review day where we went through all the key terms and big stories/current events

Tuesday-Took group test

Wednesday-Finished group test

Thursday- Talked about Obama's goal is to degrade and  eventually destroy ISOL. Also the UN Security Council who is US, China, UK, Russia, and France.

1. Send an airstrike

2. Increase U.S. military forces- 1,600

3. Increase military assistance the Syrian Opposition.

4. Counter-terrorism upgrading our securities

5. Humanitarian Assistance- give money/food supplies, in the internally placed camps


4 planes hijacked- 2 in world trade centers 1- pentagon 1- field in Pennsylvania 

Early morning planes from Boston

World Trade Center- resturaunts, art studios, shops, offices, huge

2,996 people died

189 people died at the Pentagon

Passengers took over the plane as and it crashed into a field.

6,000 people injured

Youngest died 2 years

Oldest died 82 years

20% of Americans knew somebody that past

Year later 70% showed depression from the attack

One World Trade Center- 1,776 ft tall

I am studying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed- Osama  bin Ladien 

Assigned blog- 30(Essay)+20(Discussion)=50

two pictures

Essay form


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Week of September 1-5

Monday- We were off of school due to Labor Day.

Tuesday- Tuesday we had a substitute teacher. During the class we went through our forum post leaders current event. One that stuck me the most was that a pre-schooler was suspended from school due to his mother posting something on FaceBook.

Wednesday- We took the states and capitals test. 

Thursday- We did a speed cycle of the states and capitals. Molly Gubbels has the record for 57 seconds with Logan Klassaasen second with 59 seconds. Mr. Bruns had 45 seconds which was lot faster than Molly and Logan. 

Friday- We assigned new forum post leaders. We also went through some current events about how a women was born in Great Britain. She went to join a terrorist group, ISIS.

Key Term-

Bedroom Marder- middle class, in secret get involved in a radical Islamic belief. 

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Week of August 25-29

Monday- today we were told about four stories from our forum post leaders. We also went over the Southeast states. Later on in the class period we did our presentation on the Ed O'Bannon vs. NCAA.



Michael- 18 bullet to head African American

Darren-28 6 year veteran of force no disciplinary actions or record paid to leave

Governor's reaction (Jay Nixon) disagreed with robbery video curfew- Midnight-5 a.m.

Brown attacked officer to take officers gun

Brown was unarmed when shot. Didn't get him right away.

Obama thinks it is injustice, appears unfazed, doesn't want to be rasict being African American

Officer didn't know that he had robbed the floor at first

Lots of different theories of the case. 


We took a test on parts on the states and capitals. We also watched a video on ISIS where am American fought and was killed fighting with them. 

One resource curse- only one resource so the fight for that one resource to have powers

483 black 92% arrested 36 white arrested 82%

Random Fact about Us: 240,000 to raise a kid from the age 0 to 18 


Rare disease- cause internal and external reduces blood clotting cells

Flu like symptoms, sore joints, rash, bleeding, 

Lots of diagnoses test

Virus spread from body fluids 3/4 are women with it

Can get from animals, not spread  by food and water

Came around in 1976, new disease

Outbreak is in West African- New Guinea, LIberia and others

1,229 died have died

No licensed vaccine for Ebola 

Need to clean up after pig and monkey farms

Avoid skin to skin contact

Bury animal carcass 

Requiring exit screening

UN-sending troops to help quarantine cities 

Destroy immune system and organs

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Week of August 18-22


Today, we were given the brief descriptions of our forum post leaders. We were also given/chose our groups for testing and group projects

My group is Logan, Trey, and Nathan.

Being that I already took the test along with other classmates the rest was aloud to take the test or wait until tomorrow.   


Today, we were giving maps the fill out the states and their capitals. During this time we were given the opportunity to  practice with Mr. Bruns. 

We also received the O'Bannon vs. NCAA for our presentation topic.


Today, we practice as a class the states and capitals. We discussed the Rick Perry incident. 



We learned about ISIS, JIhad, Muhahdeen, and Caliphate.We also had time to get with our groups and finish our power point projects.

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