Year-round school vs. Traditional

Would you rather have a year round school with lots of breaks, or keep the traditional school year with all of summer break? Well ultimately both ways have the same amount of days which is about 180 school days. However, with the traditional school year you work hard for 9 months straight with a little bit of breaks in between and then we get three months off with summer. On the other end, year round school has lots of different breaks but we don’t have that full summer. Let's look into the pros and cons and see which schooling is the best.

Let's start off talking about the  year round school year. One pro to having year round school is that students could be more successful since they don’t have the long summer break to forget some of the material. They will be fresh after breaks and come back to school strong. They also have many breaks which could help students to not get so overwhelmed. With more breaks, students have more time to clear their mind of school and all the stress.


Now there are also cons of year round school. Typically, year round schools are more expensive because they need more staff, more supplies, and other resources. This is a downfall for parents because they are the ones paying for the schooling. Another big downfall is that you don’t have a full summer. In summer families like to go on vacations and kids can make a lot of money if they find a job to work at daily.


Now we’ll talk about the other side. A Traditional school year has a schedule which is very strict. This helps students to know for sure when they have to get their projects or homework done. They also have extra curricular activities like sports, art, music, and others. These activities can build skills for a certain job someday.


However, there are also cons of a traditional school year. Traditional schooling does have summer breaks but it doesn’t have the advantages of lots of different breaks. With more breaks, students could have less stress because they have time to refrain from school for a little bit. Traditional schooling also has the long summer break. And like I said earlier this could cause students to forget some of the material since they have not been refreshed for 3 months.


I would rather keep the regular schooling system. For me personally, I need to have a strict schedule if I want to be on top of my homework. Plus I think the long summer is a very important break for me. I also love to have a job in the summer with nothing else distracting me. I also feel like sports wouldn’t be the same without my classmates.

Would you rather have traditional or year round school?

Which schooling would you learn better in?


Would you rather have a long summer break or a bunch of little breaks?

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  • Good topic choice and your summary is very good Jack! Be sure to comment more frequently however as that part is worth 30 points.

  • I would rather have traditional school. Instead of having those breaks throughout a year, we get breaks now through the year plus summer break and I would like to have a long summer break.

  • I would rather have a traditional school year because little breaks are only for a week while in traditional school summer break is 3 months. You would learn more in a all year round school because they teach more and have little breaks for students to not forget what they learned. I would rather have a long summer so I can go on cruises, travel around, and spend time with family that are far away.

  • I would rather have traditional schooling because a bunch of little brakes is way worse than summer brake. You would probably learn more in all year schooling because you won't forget some of the stuff as fast. I would rather have long summer brake. 

  • pearsonally my opinion is to stick to traditional school because i would not want to do homework all year round. Also traditional school you get three months for summer so you can go on a vaction without having to worry about missing anything in school.

  • I would much rather have traditional school and get it all done with. Many kids in the summer have jobs and many family vacations and need the summer to do all of that.  Otherwise a bunch of little breaks during the school year would not get you anywhere like summer break gets you.  I would always chose traditional school due to the job opertuniteis summer has.

  • I would rather have traditional school because in the summer I have a job and go on vacations with my family. I feel like the year round school would be better to learn in because even through they have breaks you can be refreshed yet, the tradition school have summer break an we lose are information from that year. 

  • I would rather do a year-round school or at least try it. The reason why is because when you're a teen there are lots of things going on already that those breaks in between could be nice especially since they're more frequent then the 3 month break during summer. I also like that you would still have a lot of the information you learned to continue throughout grades instead of learning it over and over again until you get it. I do feel that the only thing I would miss is some of the things you do over the summer, but, oh well.

  • I would rather have traditional school because I think it is good for students to have a long break after school to relieve all the stress and have fun. I think I would personally learn better in year round school since I wouldn't forget everything over the summer that I learned that past school year. I would have a bunch of litter breaks since I could go on trips throughout the year instead of just over the summer. 

  • I think that tradittional school is less benefical but year round shcool would put more stess on students with constant homwork and never ending assignments, atleast in traditional school you can look forward to summer break. Also i would rather have a long summer break instead of little breaks so it it just one big adjusment after summer and not a lot of little adjustments. 

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