Would you delete social media?

When thinking about social media, we usually correlate many negative ideas with it. Originally, technology was meant to make learning more efficient and make a positive impact on society. Along with the rapid growth of technology, social media is now a huge part of daily life. Unfortunately, there happens to be more negatives than positives when it comes to social media. I would 100% delete social media if it wasn’t the only way people communicated. Social media is mentally harming in many ways. 


Because the internet is filled with so-called perfect figures and creates the illusion that things are better than they seem, it is very easy for us to compare ourselves to others. While scrolling online, seeing the highlights of someone else's life makes it easy to feel badly about ourselves and want something better. Studies show that teenagers (especially) on social media are more susceptible to depression and anxiety. One reason these rates are higher is because social media is constantly making us question if we look good enough. We constantly allow ourselves to be pressured into thinking we need the latest/coolest thing. Social media creates the illusion that how we are seen by others (our status) is very important. From so-called perfect physical appearances to perceived successes and failures, social media has created an imaginary standard. 


Social interaction skills require face to face “practice” daily. Because social media has become the #1 form of communication, young adolescents have been engaging online more than they do in person. Because of this, teenagers are maturing slower than they used to. The amount of time we are interacting on screens has affected us greatly. Kids aren’t learning any self control or structure, and parents aren’t focused either. Human connection is crucial to building people skills, and because of social media, we aren’t getting enough of it. 


Not only this, but forming a habit of spending hours and hours on social media is very unhealthy. Kids are becoming lazier and more unmotivated because of how long they are in front of screens. Forming these habits young will eventually lead to being unmotivated and lazy adults. Each hour wasted on social media/the internet is one less hour spent experiencing the real world. On average, people spend about 6 years of their life on social media. That is 52,560 hours of our lives taken up by just the internet! If we deleted social media, levels of depression, anxiety and stress would go down, we would spend more time enjoying the wonderful experiences of life, and society would be better structured.


Do you think social media is beneficial or harmful in today’s society? 

Would you delete your social media? Why or why not?

How has social media impacted your life?



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  • Great topic choice Madison and well done!!

  • Social media is both beneficial and harmful. It makes communication so much easier and has become a news source for many. However, it brings in thoughts of whether or not your lifestyle and/or looks are just as good as someone else's. Our point of veiw has changed so much since before social media, and it's kind of sickening to think about how much it has and what little, preposterous things seem to matter a great deal to us now. I could never see myself deleting all of my social media. I've been to a few schools and social media is often how I keep in contact with friends I don't see often. Certain social media platforms I could see myself deleting though. 

  • I think social media is beneficial in today's society. I think that we are too interconnected by the internet now that it would almost be back if we didn't communicate through social media. I would not delete social media, just because I know there would be too much going on. Sometimes I get information through social media as well, therefore making it part of my life as a citizen.

  • I think that it has influenced society big time and its not so good, more and more people are thinking its okay to go and torment someone on social media and they shouldn't be doing that. I don't think that I would delete my social  medias because it keeps me up to date on sports anaylis and different things to do with sports. I don't think that it has impacted my life as much as others.

    • I think social media affects people differently, however, social media can be a great way to keep up with sports and extracurricular activities. Social media has pros and cons but I think overall social media is causing people to be lazier and creates bad habits. People are becoming less active and enjoying the outdoors less also.

  • I think it is way more harmful than beneficial in today's society. It is a easier way to express your opinions, yes, but no in a safe way. People are known to be very critical and very rude to people who may have different opionions on them. It also promotes society standards not everyone can have. For example, Tik Tok is a way for people to share themselves and ideas they have. They can be bashed on the way they look, body type, and even a health condition. This leaves people depressed and more self concious than before. It's easy to ignore these people but sometimes it can get to them and make them very depressed. I would delete my social media if it wasn't the only way I was able to communicate to most of my friends and share funny videos. It can be very mentally exhausting for me sometimes. Social media has impacted my life more bad than good. I often see things and people who I can't compete with and always wish to be in their shoes. There's also a lot of people who constantly bash the other gender, making it seem harder to please anyone. 

    • I think it would be awesome to live in the 80s-90s and experience life without social media. I agree that social media can be mentally exhausting and some parts of it are pointless. I think social media causes depression and anxiety because people are constantly trying to replicate "the perfect image" and having the perfect life. I think at least limiting social media would take a lot of stress off of us.

  • I believe that social media can have its ups and down or postives and negatives, but I also think that social media can be more helpful than harmful.  In my case, social media helps people stay connected, which helps me stay connected with my family and my friends who don't live near me

  • I think the social media's are very harmful becuase everyone uses it too much so they just dont talk to other people, and it can affect your mood, how you feel about yourself, and how you view other people. I would 100 percent delete my social media's becuase I dont use the too often and you can always call them or text them instead of using social media's for it. 

    • I agree with everything you said. Social media makes it easier to communication with friends and family but also affects how you feel about yourself, how you view others, and your mood! Sometimes I can tell when I've been on my phone too much because I'm just in a bad mood. I think social media is also very harmful and we should try to limit how long we are on it each day.

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