Which Twin is Older?

Typically the first born twin is the oldest but not in this case. Emily Peterson gave birth to twins during the day light savings change. Samuel was born at 1:39 a.m. and Ronan came 31 minutes later at 2:10. Because of the time change his official birth time is 1:10. Seth Petersen the twins father stated: “I said earlier that night that they were either going to be born on two different days or the time change was going to come into play."  The nurse that helped with the birthing said this is the first time this has ever happened, she has been doing this for forty years!

Daylight saving time confuses ages of twins

Read full story: here

I think this is crazy and that this happened and that they did the correct thing in making Ronan's time earlier then his brothers because later on records won't make sense. I am sure these two will fight over who is older for the rest of their lives and it will be a good joke.  I would want them to change the time because of daylight savings. If I was the nurse I would be very confused and want to do the right thing and make sure everything is accurate. 


How confused would you be if you were the nurse writing down the birth times?

Would you want the nurses to change your child's time due to daylight savings?

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    • That is for sure I wonder if their parents will even tell them?

  • I would be very confused. I honestly do not know. its not like really changing anything cause you are still born on the same day maybe write both times down

  • I would definitely be confused but technically the second baby was born at an earlier time even if it was the second baby to come out. I think I would tell them to change it because it is a really good story to tell down the road to your family and to explain to your kid once they get older. 

    • I wonder if their parents will tell them or just blow it off I think it is really hard to not tell them.

  • 1. I think I'd be really confused but, also be pretty unique to have a birthday on daylight savings time.

    2. I think I'd let them change it because some day your kid might ask you about there day of birth. It will be cool and unique  

  • It would be weird but technically the 2nd one was born at a earlier time, it will definitely  be a story for the family to tell later on in life. 

  • I would be so lost, it's definitely confusing. I would just because that is how they were born. Just so it is accurate.

    • I agree I would have them change it to be accurate or just make it 3 so the older twin is still actually older. 

  • I would be very confused but, yet at the same time I think it is really cool that it happen during the day light saving change. It is very shocking that this thing happen but, I think its cool! I would because then really when they get older it's just going to confuse them. So I gt why she did and that way everyone else doesn't get confused to. 

  • This is a crazy story and I'm sure this doesn't happen very often! If I were the nurse, I would probably be confused as to what I should do: should I write down the correct time that he was born in relation to his brother (2:10), or should I write down the correct time according to the clock (1:10)? If I were the mother, I would want the nurse to write down the actual time that he was born in relation to his brother (2:10), but also note that it was daylight savings time. This is a really interesting story! 

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