What is a better pet Cat or Dog

            There is a lot of debate on what is the better pet cat or dog. There has been a lot of research done with this topic too. The research that I got says that more owners have dogs than cats. Is that because Dogs are easy to care for, or are dogs just in that area more. 

            I think that dogs are a better pet. You do not have to worry about cleaning or changing cat litter, and they both need food/ water. I think that dogs are a better pet because you can throw a ball and most of the time the dog will bring it back unlike a cat. Also dogs are better pets because they can do a lot more tricks than cats can.

What pet do you think is better, cats or dogs?


Do you like any other pets other than cats and dogs or do you have any pets?







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  • I personlly like dogs alot better than cats. For example I am a hunter and you can use a dog to help you hunt but you can't use a cat. The reason I do not like cats is because they are always in the way when you are trying to do something. 

    • I also like dogs. they are so  much better than cats because they do tricks like role over, lay down, and they also shake peoples hands. dogs also play fetch with their owners and run with their owners witch is good for them and the owner.

  • I think dogs are the better pet. I have 2 dogs one is a service dog that keeps my mom safe at all times, i have a rat terrier and a kitten. i dont care for the kitten as much. I have a huge heart for animals, but dogs will always be my first choice.

    • I agree dogs are way better becasue they do so much more than cats like dogs play fetch and frizbe with their owner just like running. dogs also do tricks like role over, lay down and shake other people's hands. thats is why they are better then cats.

  • I like dogs way better and I don't like cats but, I think cats are better pets I feel like they are not as needed but dogs are more fun to be around like with kids. I love hampsters I think they are fun easy and very active but annoying at night. I use to have bunnies and they pooped everywhere.

    • I also like dogs more than cats because they do so much more than cats do. for example they do tricks like role over, and lay down. Dogs also are more active because they will run with their owner and they also play fetch with their owner.

  • Personally, I prefer dogs over cats. I like dogs better because they are fun to play with and are very loyal. Dogs are much more loving and much more fun to have. To me cats are for people that don't really care that they have a pet, but they can say they have a pet.

    • I also prefer dogs over cats becase they do so much more than cats. for example dogs run with their owners and then they can sleep with their owners. cats just lay around the house and do nothing. dogs also do tricks like shake hands and role over, that is why dogs are better.

  • I think that overall dogs are the better pet, I don't like cats.  Dogs move around more and are able to do more than cats in my opinion. I have a dog and I think that it does require more care but also does more for my family than a cat would. Dogs are able to run around outside and you can play with them while cats are usually really lazy. 

    • I agree dogs are better because they do so much more than cats, they can play fetch and run with their owner and they can do a lot of tricks like shake hands with people or role over. That is why dogs are way better than cats.

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