West Virginia Hunter Takes Down 17 Pointer After 6 Years.

David Miller first saw the deer in 2013. David and his crew leased a peice of land and put thier eyes on the animal with multiple trail cameras. Out of all the years of hunting him, David only saw him one day in day light hours. Miller said he knew the it was the deer because of its massive antler and many points. David set up a trail cam where he thought the deer might be. The next day it caught a rare sighting of it in the day light. When he saw the photo, Miller went to work with his bow and arrow in hand. As Miller sat in the tree stand, he went to pass a few impressive bucks, but stayed patient and waited for the 17 pointer that he knew was out there. David said that the deer came out of the grass and then he shot him. If you would like to read more click here.

1- Do you like hunting? If so do you ;like to use a bow or a gun.

2- Are you for or against hunting.


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  • Good job replying Luke. I don't know if your story choice is great but your questions are good. Be sure to inlcude personal thoughts within your summary.

  • I don't go hunting but I would enjoy both bow hunting and rifle hunting. I am for hunting because we help control the population and I my grampa and my Dad use to go hunting.

  • I do like hunting, even though ive only gone a few times. The few times ive gone, i have used a gun. With that being said I would prefer using a gun, but I have never tried a bow. I dont think there is anything to be against for hunting, many people love it.

  • I like hunting, but I think using a gun is easier than using a bow. A bow takes so long to get ready and shoot and if you have a gun already loaded then it would be way easier. I am for hunting. My family loves to hunt pheasant and deer, but I would rather hunt deer. 

  • I have only been hunting once and It was fun. I would rather hunt with a gun just because I have more experience with a gun. I am not against hunting at all. If an animal was in danger or something then they would not allow us to hunt them but deer, pheasants, and turkeys don’t bother me. 

  • I don't hunt at all. I've never been raised into it so I don't know the first thing about it. But I'm not against it by any means. I would love to try it someday and maybe be active in it. I am not against hunting. 

  • I have actually never been hunting so I am unsure if I would like it or not. I honestly don't think I would find it very fun, but if I was hunting I think I would try out a bow and arrow. I am neither for or against hunting. I have nothing against hunting or those who hunt and I understand why they do, but it's not something I would be interested in. 

    • I agree, hunting is not for everyone but its helps peolpe to get know know the outdoors better and patcience.

  • I have never been hunting but I have shot a gun and bow. Personally, I like using a bow more because it's quieter and doesn't kick back or anything. I am for hunting because that's how people before got food. It also helps control population and it's fun.

    • I agree, it is like americas past time and it helps keep the population of animals down.

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