As everyone knows most video games can cause violence but some people deny it which can cause those people to be even more violent. Some video games are not violent though, like Minecraft or Mario Kart. Video Games like Minecraft are not violent and don't cause violence but some like GTA are made for violence. Some video games cause aggression without being violent, like in any game you could become more aggressive if you die in the game too many times.
Playing video games like GTA, Doom, or Mortal Kombat can increase a person's aggressive thoughts, feelings, and actions, and increasing these could cause a lot of bad things later on. if your aggression rises now, later on, you could lash out at someone like a police officer and maybe even assault that officer which would lead to being put in prison. Some people may become addicted to something so they don't feel this aggression that could be caused by video games.
Some people believe that video games do not cause violence and some people know it does but they don't want to believe it because they don't the fun of video games to be taken from them. Some even use video games as an escape from the world so they can focus on the things that make them happy. People could also find happiness in playing video games with other people and friends.
Do you think video games cause violence?
What games do you think cause the worst violence?
What games do you think are the best to play that don't cause violence?
Glad you got htis done! It is brief and would like to hear your thoughts on the matter. It was posted weeks late as well.
I think some video games can cause people to be violent when they lose. I also think people could think they can be violent because it was easy in the video game. I think Grand Theft Auto 5 or Call of Duty causes violence in people. There is this peaceful game I played it was called Far: Lone Sails.
I think that GTA 5 causes the most vioence becuase you can do pretty much anything you can think of in GTA. You can rob people, Shoot people and a bunch more and it's sometimes scary because you just hope the next person you see won't do that to you.