Do you know the History behind the Oregon Trail? Well if you don't I am here to inform you about the history behind the Oregon Trail.  American settlers were heading out westward around the 19th century. This is when the Oregon Trail offered the primary route to get where they were heading. There was a rugged path that had been marked by only the parallel wheels dugged by thougsands of covered wagons. This trail would be led across nearly 2,200 miles from prairie, to desert, and also mountain terrain. These trails would be from Independences, Missouri to Oregon City, Oregon. There were people who mapped the uncharted land in 1804-1806, and these explorers would be Meriwether Lewis and also William Clark. The Oregon Trail would not be following a single set path because pioneers would often have to spread out to try and find food and avoiding dust clouds that would be kicked up by their wagons. There would be shortcuts in Wyoming that would allow people to get to their destination faster. The Oregon Trail would be littered with discarded supplies from other waggons that went down the road. The Oregon Trail was very dangerous especially since there would end up being Indian attacks on the trail but they were relatively rare. During the Civil War, more people on the Oregon Trail would end up dying more and more. For example, 400 people died from the natives between 1840 and 1860. Some more threats would end up being cholera and other diseases which would be responsible for about 20,000 deaths. 


Would you take this trail?

What would you do in this situation?

Have you heard about the Oregon Trail before this story?


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  • Your topic is good but please use paragraphs to better effect, expand a bit and include your thoughts. Posted a day late.

  • I have heard about the Oregon Trail before this story, however I did not know the story well and I didn't know any details about it. I personally would probably not take the Oregon Trail unless I absolutely had too. I am not 100% sure what I would do in this situation.

    • I agree with only taking the trail if it was neccesary otherwise I wouldn't really think of taking this trail.

  • I would not take this trail, nor have I heard about the oregon trail before. I am not a big hiker for activity, so I wouldn't be a huge fan of this.

    • A lot of people haven't heard about this trail and it is understandable if someone doesn't like hiking why would they go on this trip. 

  • I don't remember if I had already herad of this or not, it sounds familiar but I don't remember it well. I would like to go see what that road/trail is like even though it is or was dangerous, I wouldn't know what to do honestly.

    • I would also like to go see it because it is an interesting trail that was used lots of time in the past and has a great story behind it.

  • I will not walk into that trail because you never know if it's haunted or not. I probably don't wanna do nothing about it because I get scared on things very easily like this. No I haven't heard about this story before.

    • Yes this trail could be haunted since there has been so much death on it causing their ghost and their remains to sit there and never have been touched.

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