The History of Screen time in the U.S.

Since 2013, the average daily screen time for an American has increased by 50 minutes. There are so many screens all around us that are necessary for us, that we see, use, and access every day. So, while some look at screen time as harmful for mental health, societal interaction, insomnia, etc., there are many ways that devices are a necessity for schools, workplaces, sporting events, entertainment, and much more. 

For starters, one specific example in the United States is that the average screen time per day is 7 hours and 4 minutes. Which is 7 minutes more compared to the global average. People shouldn’t just look at these numbers and statistics as terrible and unacceptable. There are so many examples of how screens have advanced our way of living for businesses, communication, and education! Age also plays a very significant role in screen time amounts and usage, teens spend over 3 hours a day watching TV/videos. Something that is also very noteable, is how income plays a big role in screen time. Demographics show that teenagers in lower-income houses spend 9 hours and 19 minutes on screens everyday. Whereas on the other hand, teens in higher income households spend around 7 hours and 16 minutes of screen time daily.

Overall, screen time has benefited lives and harmed lives. But which one means more? Which one should be focused on? Some may lean towards advancing technology for efficiency, accuracy, and skillfulness. While some focus on how it affects a person's well being considering health, safety, and human-only experiences! I personally think that advancing technology, leading to higher screen time, is beneficial and necessary but nothing can beat the face to face interactions with the people behind the screen!


How much is your daily screen time?

Is it important to advance technology?

Is it important to prioritize human interaction?

Based off the past two questions; Which do you think is more important?

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    • I agree, over time we will be in need of an updated technology as the world advances.

  • I am usually on my phone around a couple hours because I am pretty busy during the weekdays. I think that it is important to advance technology so we can have new ways of living and experiencing things, but it also comes with costs. I think that human interaction is more important than technology because humans need to be social and be with other people. 

    • Same with me, it always depends on how busy I am, depending on the day.

  • I think that it's important for the advancment of technology because if we don't use it how will it get better. Although, human interaction is defiently way more important than technology because it's really good for us to interact with other people.

    • Yes I completely agree, both are important but technology can only do so much.

  • I think it is important to the advancement of our technology because if we don't use technology how is it supposed to advance. Human interaction is definitely more important than being on a screen and is more beneficial.

    • Yes I totally agree, the advancements are very important but I think we need to prioratize human interaction more.

  • I'm only on my phone for a couple of hours. I think that it could be beneficial to advance our technology. I think that if somebody wanted to then they should be able to, but if somebocy didn't want to then the shouldn't have to.

    • I see where you're coming from. It should be up to everyone to decide which they value more and it's their opinion on what they would rather see followed through in the world.

  • My daily screen time is a couple of hours a day. I think it is important to advance technology but we need to be careful not to overuse it. Human interaction is more important than screen interaction and we should prioritize human interaction over screens.

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