The History of Minecraft

Minecraft has a pretty long history, so let’s talk about it. It was all started by Notch. Minecraft was inspired by some of the recent games at that time, such as Runescape. Minecraft’s very first name was called Ruby Dung, and then it was changed to Infiminer.


The first version of Minecraft was released on May 17th, 2009, but it was the beta version. The first update was released around the same time in 2010. The very first version of Minecraft was only available on the Java edition, which is only available on PC. There was no hunger bar, only hearts. There was no set goal, like now how the set goal is to kill the Ender Dragon. The very first versions have infinite worlds, unlike now how there’s only 30 millions blocks in each direction from spawn.


Some of the first mobs were very weird. Such as the player, it was a mob that looked like Steve and would run around flapping its arms and did nothing else. The other first type of mobs were Frog Girl and Beast Boy, and other various superheroes. These mobs did the same thing as “the player,” just run around and do absolutely nothing.


The origin of the creeper is a pretty weird one. Notch was trying to code a pig into the game, but he messed it up and was straight upward instead of a normal pig. Instead of just deleting this bug, Notch decided to add it into the game. He changed the texture from pink to green and made the creeper. If Notch hadn’t decided to do this we wouldn’t have the beloved creeper today.

What are your opinions on Minecraft?

Do you find any of Minecraft's backstory interesting?


Here's a presentation I made that went more into depth about the history:

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  • Good job overall Michael! It is hard to do the history of Minecradt justice in several paragrpahs so I do think this could have been expanded on a bit. I also think talking about the impact that Minecraft has had on games would have been a good idea as well. Be sure to comment on three different days bit overall you commented very well!

  • I have played minecraft before but a long time ago and I thought it was fun at the time. I don't really play video games or have much of an opinion on minecraft or video games in general for that matter. I think the backstory of how Minecraft came to be is interesing. 

  • Minecraft is just a game. I think playing the game is a big waste of time. I have no back story on playing minecraft but some people think it is fun. I hope the game is fun and cool. And i bet it is really fun to play, boy I sure hope I can know what it feels like to play this wonderful game.

  • I think it's a pretty a cool game and I have played it for a long time. I played it for a super long time. I think everything about the game is just really great and I know it was a game that most kids grew up with and loved. Really just everything leading up to how the game is now is amazing.

    • I only started playing in around 2016 but lots of things about it are so nostalgic. Especially the old music videos like revenge and old screenshots. Lots of things about the game make it amazing, it's really everything about it to be honest.

  • My opinions on Minecraft is that its a very good game there is never anything wrong with it and it is a game that everybody can play alos its avery simple and easy to learn game.

    Some of minecreafts history is cool but sum of it isent as interesting as some of the other history.

    • I think it's cool that anybody can play it and it's still fun. I personally think it's a good game too, there's some bugs and stuff, but that's pretty much it. Personally, I find most of Minecraft's history interesting. It's even still popular now.

  • I used to think minecraft was the best video game and would always play it. But now it get boring really fast unless you play it with friends or when you play on a plane or long car ride. I think the back story is very iteresting and really cool. But I do thing minecraft will have a comeback very soon and many more people will be playing it. 

    • Minecraft did have a comeback just last Tuesday, with the second part of the caves and cliffs update. Personally I find it fun unless it's with friends. The amount of people playing Minecraft did rise after the update was released.

  • I think that minecraft gets boring but I don't really play video games and havent really played any video games, so I dont really have that much of an opinion on it. But I do think that the the back story is kind of cool. 

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