The history behind prohibition

Prohibition took place during the 19th century on January 17th, 1920 and ended on December 5th, 1933. Prohibition was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, transportation, and importation of alcoholic beverages. It was mandated by the 18th amendment. The goal of prohibition was to reduce crimes such as 09 domestic violence and workplace inefficiency. 


Instead of making things easier or better, prohibition did the opposite. Prohibition led to an increase in crimes, corruption and bootlegging. Al Capone had the biggest gang during this time period and he was very successful in selling alcohol illegally. During this time period speakeasies were very popular. Speakeasies were hiddden bars that would often offer live music or some sort of entertainment. Despite the risk most Americans would still continue to consume beverages highlighting the failure of prohibition.


In the end the government realized that prohibition was a terrible idea so in 1933, the 21st amendment was ratified, repealing the 18th amendment causing this to end prohibition.  This was the only time in history that a constitutional amendment was ratified to repeal another. 


In conclusion, prohibition was meant to decrease the amount of crimes we had but it ultimately did the opposite. 


Do you think prohibition was a good idea?


Do you think we should have prohibition again?


Why do you think prohibition failed? 

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  • I don't think that prohibition was a good thing it caused more illegal things to happen. No, I don't think that prohibition should ever happen again because of how bad it happened last time it will be a lot worse. I think prohibition failed because too many people wanted alcohol.

  • I think that it was a good idea because that stuff isn't good for you. I don't think we shouldn't because we don't want a whole bunch of crimes. I think it failed becuase so many people were gonna get alchohol anyway so they should just put certain restrictions on that.

  • I think prohibition was a good idea, but it needed some exceptions and consequences for breaking the law. I think if we were to have prohibition now, there would be an uprising, so it would cause more problems than help. I think prohibition failed in the 19th century because people want what they want, and they will do whatever it takes to get it.

  • I think prohibition was a terrible idea because many people were addicted to it and its hard to quit something that you have been doing for a long time. I don't think we should have prohibiton again because history will just repeat itself and we will have crimes going around and everything again. Prohibition failed because there just was too much people against one side.

  • I don't think that prohibiton was a bad think when it was first introduced but at this point their are many jobs that are supported by alcohol and I think that if prohibition started now then unemployment rates would go up a lot.

  • I think that prohibition was an idea with good intention but it didn't go well. I do not think we should have another prohibition because it would just go the same way, maybe even worse, and everyone would still drink, make, and sell alcohol.

  • I think that prohibition was bad but it was a good idea as they didn't think it would end up as it did. I think having prohibition would be very bad as crimes would break out and it would cause many illegal smuggling. I think prohibition failed because so many people believed alcohol was a good thing.

  • I think that the thought behind prohibition was a good idea, but it would have never worked out. I don't think that we should have prohibition again because alcohol is a big part of our society today, and it would just cause more problems than solving them. 

    • I agree, prohibition was a good idea but it just didn't workout. I don't think we should have it again because to many people drink alcohol and it would cause more problems. 

  • I think the idea of banning alcohol in order to decrease crime, but it really didn't go the way they wanted it to. I don't think we should have prohibition again because it made crime so much worse, so it's safe to assume it would happen again. I think prohibition failed because of the lack of people enforcing it.

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