First, what is Ruby Ridge? Well it's not the entirety of it, it is a private cabin atop Ruby Ridge owned by an alleged white suppremisist because of several meetings with Aryan Nations although he was not a member, Randy Weaver. who was under the surveillance of the government because he sawed off and sold two shotguns to an alcohol tobacco and firearms informant after he refused to become an informant for the ATF. he was arrested and released with his trial happening February 19, 1991 it was then moved to February 20th but when Weaver got the letter telling him what date the trail was on it was a miss print that said it was in March. When he did not come to the trial the court issued a bench warrant for his arrest he was then charged for failing to appear at trial because of this the U.S Marshals were told to arrest him the U.S Marshals then said that the family was likely to resist if confronted with this news. so a stealth plan was drawn up on the second week Weavers dog discovered the surveillance team inside his property one of the soldiers then killed the dog. which lead to a lot of gunfire killing Weavers 14 year old boy and a U.S marshal after the fight the marshals got assistance on the F.B.I. who sent its hostage rescue team to the cabin on top of Ruby Ridge in this team there was a sniper who opened fire when he thought Weaver was about to shoot a FBI officer which wounded Weaver and his friend but killed his wife with a headshot while she held her baby. Weaver surrendered to the officers.


Let me tell you why I think this is wrong first think about his charges not appearing at court and selling slightly sawed off shots. Do you think that is worth killing his whole family and injuring him? and the failure to appear in court one shouldn't even exist because he was sent the wrong date. Also he was never shown to be violent towards officers so they just made an assumption without actually seeing if he would go without a fight it is ridiculous. the government got sued as they should have and all was good. but just think this guy lost his wife, dog and boy to this hunch that officers he only shot because he was scared.

Ruby Ridge | History, Facts, Aftermath, & Map | Britannica

Shootings at Ruby Ridge - HISTORY


What do you think was the government in the right or wrong?

Do you think this guy deserved what he got?         


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  • Mason,

    While your topic is good, your summary needs polish and is probably why not many people replied. It was hard to understand. One thing you can do is type your summary in Word first to help with typos and punctuation as there are quite a few issues with this.

  • I agree with you and definitely think that the government was in the wrong. They killed his whole family which were all defenseless and held no weapons, so the fact that they got shot at was completely the governments fault. It was also their fault that they sent the wrong date. Maybe they should have seen if there were any issues as to why he didn't go to court that day, but no I do not think he deserved what happened to him. 

    • I agree very much with this statment because they were wrong and the only reason the shot bck was because they did not know that it was the government and thought someone was tresspassing on private propertie

  • The government was in the wrong. Firstly, they sent him the wrong court date AND charged him for it. They should've just accepted their mistake and do the court date a few days after the initial one. He wasn't acting violent toward the officers at all, and they shot and killed his wife, boy, and his dog. I personally think he shouldn't have even been arrested for the initial charge, about selling the shotguns. The officers should have been charged with manslaughter, misconduct and maybe even animal abuse, for shooting the dog.

    • I agree with most of this the court did not know they sent him the wrong date but they never let him show them he had the letter the and it is the law that shotguns have to be a certain size and the state or federal government got sued by the guy

  • bump

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