The cost of college and is it worth it

College is something that many people think about doing or not doing. College can cost a lot of money, for a public in-state college for tuition it would cost you around $22,180, out of state it would cost you $38,640. For private colleges it would cost you around $50,770 in tuition. Tuition can also vary depending on what school you go to and what your major is. Many people think this is a lot of money but you could earn scholarships and grants to help you pay for college. Grants are financial aid that students don't need to pay back. A scholarship is financial support awarded to a student for many things. 

Research says that college graduates earn around $1 million more in their lifetime than highschool graduates. Although college graduates earn more money than highschool graduates get by just fine. I feel that college is a lot of money and that it should be less. I want to go to college but I do not think you need to go to college to have a good job. So I think college is kind of worth it.

Do you want to go to college?

Do you think college costs too much money?


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  • Good job replying Tatum! This topic has been done before so it is a bot overdone. Your summary is also brief. Be sure to get to at least three paragraphs.

  • I think that the cost for college is really high and could be lowered but going to college will possibly get you higher-paying jobs in the future. You need a degree of some sort to get one of the higher paying jobs, like a school teacher. 

  • I plan on going to college after high school, and then going to medical school afterwards. Both colleges and medical schools cost a lot of money, which can lead to people not wanting to pursue degrees. I do think that college is a lot of money too. If other countries have been able to give students free college, why haven't we accomplished the same thing?

  • Yes, I do want to and plan on going to college. I think depending on the job you plan on having after highschool tells whether college is for you. Personally what I want to do requires me to go to college. I do think college is very expensive and the cost should be lower.  

  • I personally do not want to go to college. I think that college is too much money, people think that going to college will make you have better carrers. But I do not think thats right if your gone for college for 4 years your missing out on a lot of money. 

  • I think it could be worth it but it is entirly up to what job you get after college because that is the reason you go to college to get a better job than if you did not but if you go to be a teacher it could turn out negative because you have to pay so much with an avrage paycheck but if your a doctor you can pay it off pretty eaisily so the answer to the question is sometimes yes and sometimes no and the answer to the second question is yes I hope to one day go to college because it seems like a nice learning experience 

    • I feel if you go to college for what you want to be then I think it is worth it, even if you go to just be a teacher. That is why I feel college should be less, so that it is more affordable for some people. 

  • Yes I would like to go to college, and yes I think that college cost way to much money.


  • Yea i agree in the fact that it is more expensive to go to college and only gives a small boost right after leaving you in debt and ruins more lives than it can help

  • I don't think that college is worth the money. People pay way too much just to go to school so they can get a job and waste half of the money that they earn just to pay back their college. I think it is useless to go to school for the first 20 years of your life just to work for the last 50.

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