Teen Sentence 40 years

Back in 2013 Philip Chism followed his math teacher into the bathroom where he killed her. Later her body was found in the woods. Philip Chism is 17 now a has been sentence to 40 years for raping, robbing, and murdering his teach Peggie Ritzer. He will be in the juvenile system til he is 18 when he will be transfer to the adult system.  The court wasn't able to sentence life without parole because of recent court rulings has limited the sentence for first degree murder a maximum of 25 years.  The court  was able to give him 40 for rape and robbery.


Do you think it is fair to the family and friends of the victim of first degree murders that juveniles can't get life without parole or the death sentence? Why or why not?

Do you think that he needs to be put away longer? Why or why not?

It is not fair to  the family and friends of the victim the person took away some that they cared for. When Philip killed his teacher he knew right from wrong he should be punish more for the crime he commented. 

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  • Again, all of your comments were done on one day-March 3.

  • I don't think it is fair at all because the kid was still able to make the decision and he probably would have done it when he was older too, I think that 40 years is enough. I would learn my lessen after that many years in prison.

  • I think this is unfair because he is old enough to know better. I beleive he should be in prison forever. He was old enough and should have been smart enough to know not to do that. 

  • I think it is very unfair because The kid knew what he was doing so I think he should be in prison for a lot longer than that. He has enough knowledge to know that this is obviously something you shouldn't do because you'll be paying the price for it in the end.

  • I don't think this is fair. The kid obviously knew what he was doing and should be trialed as an adult. The kid should not be able to have parole.

  • I think it's fair. I hope that while he is in there for those 40 years he will realize what he did was very wrong, and when he gets out he will have the rest of his life to make up for it and change his life. I don't think he should be put away any longer. Yes, he knows right from wrong, but maybe something triggered that awful reaction and he will be changed when he gets out. If not, then he will just end up in jail again.

  • Nope, since the person could reduce their time spent in jail by a lot.

    Yes, because 40 years for rape and robbery is nothing to what he has done put him in for life.

  • I think it is fair because 40 years is a lot of time taken away from someone even though he deserves it. No I don't think he needs to put away longer, unless his actions haven't changed and he thinks it's OK to kill someone. 

  • I think it's unfair, unless it's a little kids that's like 6 or something, because while they're young they know right from wrong and should be held to the same standards as everyone else. I think that 40 yrs is enough for him to learn his lesson and hopefully be rehabilitated. 

  • I don't know if he necessarily needs to be put away for a longer time, but I think that his punishment was deserving. I assume they wouldn't put a child away that long if he didn't earn that time due.

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