Suspect Arrested in cop Killing

John Felix 26 a suspected gunman in the killing of two police officers in Palm Spring, California. Cops got called to a domestic dispute Saturday. Jose Gilbert Vega and Lesley Zerebny were standing outside trying to talk Felix down when fire was open up on them and they were killed. He could get the death penalty. Court records prove that he was a gang member.  

1) Do you think that he deserves the death penalty? Why or why not?

2) If you were their neighbor how would you react if you found the person you lived next to could do this?

 I think that he deserves the death penalty because people need to be shown that you just can't kill cops. I would freak out if I knew I next to a person that could do that.


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  • Your summary could be written better and you only commented twice. Both today.

  • not really because he was shot at  I would get a security system and start locking my doors and just watch out 

  • I think death doesn't do anyone good. It would be much nicer than being stuck in jail for the rest of your life. So he deserves a lifetime of punishment because he ended the lives of 2 other people. I I lived near him I would move, for sure.

  • I think since he killed two people he should have a life sentence in jail. He should have to think about what he did, and him getting the death penalty would not benefit for the families of the two that died. Yes, they would have some type of peace knowing that the two that the person who killed their children, but knowing he would probably never have a second thought about killing them and not have to pay for it would probably be heart breaking for those whom loved the victims.

    I would be very scared and worried that it could happen again.

  • He deserves the death penalty because he killed other people. He should at the very least have lifetime in prison. He killed 2 cops and that can not go unpunished. If he was my neighbor I would move somewhere else.

  • I am personally against the death penalty. I think he should definitely be punished, but I don't think that killing him will make up for the two deaths he caused. If the government is punishing him for murder, wouldn't "murdering" him be going against the very thing that we are trying to prevent? Instead, he should be sentenced to a lifetime in jail. I believe that it would be a bigger punishment for Felix to sit in a cell for the rest of his life just thinking about what he has done. If I were his neighbor, I would probably be shocked that someone who lived close to me was a murderer.

  • I think that he should get the death penalty because he didn't kill another person and take a life. I would most likely move because I wouldn't want my family or myself around someone like that. 

  • Yes because he killed 2 cops or he should be in jail for life. I would probably freak out and leave that neighborhood if it is not a very good neighborhood.

  • Yes because he killed them. I would be mad because I didn't know about it.

  • Yes I think he should. I would be very shocked but glad he would be taken away and I would feel safer now knowing hes gone.

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