Super Bacteria in Los Angeles

There is a bacteria in Los Angleles that has taken the lives of 2 people in the last few weeks. It is called CRE or Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae they call it this because of its incredible ability to resist antibiotics. It has also acquired a new name the nightmare bacteria. It has only killed two people so far, but it takes over half of the lives that it infects. It was caused by not properly cleaning tools after superficial surgeries such as pancreas, gall bladder, and appendix. All of these surgeries using endoscopic procedures, therefore infecting many people. About 175 people could possibly be infected with CRE. CRE is spread through only bodily fluids and a lot of people are resistant to getting it, so it is spread mostly in hospitals where peoples immune systems are weakened.

Should we be worried about it spreading?

Should this hospital be in trouble for spreading CRE?

Carbapenem-resistant enterobacteriaceae

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  • No I don't think we should worry about it spreading until it gets really bad. The hospital should be in trouble because they were unable to contain CRE.

  • I think the hospital should be to blame due to not disinfecting it's tools and infecting people.

  • well I think we should because if it destroys your immune system an simple cold will kill you and the way this all sounds i would be worried about it spreading. I don't think the hospital shouldn't be in trouble because they have no idea about how to contain this bacteria, but they are trying their best to. 

  • I think that people should only be worried if they come into contact with bodily fluids because if you aren't, then you will be fine. I also think that the hospital should get in trouble because they are the ones responsible for this CRE disease and they have been affecting peoples' lives because of a simple mistake on their part.

  • I don't think its going to be a huge problem by the way it spreads and how a lot a people are resistant. The Hospital should be in major trouble though they definitely need to lay off some workers that aren't doing their job right.

  • I think it could be a problem but if it is only spread through bodily fluids, than it might not be an issue. There are some diseases that are spread only by body fluids and the people with these diseases can sometimes go about their normal lives. I think the hospital should get in trouble because they failed to do something that should be common procedure at hospitals.

  • To me this sounds like another case of Ebola and bye the looks of it very dangerous. I fell like us personally shouldn't be worried because we are pretty isolated out here compared to la. I also think that the health industry needs to make an example out of them maybe with a fine. 

  • Yes, I think we should be worried about this bacteria spreading because many people under go surgeries daily. This hospital should be in trouble because they should be cleaning their tools before using them again.

  • I don't think we should have to worry about this because it can only be spread by bodily fluids and cleaning tools. I think the hospital should be in trouble because it's their fault this bacteria has spread. 

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