Should We Do Block schedule all year round?



This week with ISASP we are doing this new block schedule, I was wondering what it would be like to do it all year round, are there any benefits to it? There are many advantages and disadvantages. Some a disadvantage is if you miss a day you miss a lot more than usually class. With the classes being longer you can learn more in one day which is good but is also bad because if you are sick you miss a lot more and is harder to make up the work.

One advantage is that teachers can get more into depth with each subject they are teaching. The extended class periods allow the teacher to have more time to teach, So the kids can get a more in-depth understanding of the topic. It also allows more time for homework to be done in the class, if the teacher finishes class with thirty minutes left the kids can ask questions and finish it in class. While with a normal class they wouldn’t be able to have fun outside of school because they would be doing homework.

Another reason it is good is it allows the teachers to get to know the students better. The teacher will see fewer kids in a day so they can talk to more people, and get to know them on a more personal level. Which makes the class more fun, if the teacher understands how you act. In my opinion, I haven't hated this week of block scheduling, but I haven't liked it either. The classes I don't like as much are to long, so I think that normal 43 min classes are the perfect length of classes. Those are a few of the many advantages and disadvantages of having a blocked schedule


Would you like to do block scheduling all year round?

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    • I agree we should not have the block schedule all year round. Although it may not get into as many subjects but it allows the teacher to expand and get more into depth for each subject.

  • I believe that schools that use block sceduling have figured things out.Personally, I have only experience good things through block scheduling. It gives teachers more time to do help their students and it gives students more time to work on projects. It even makes large tests like ISASPs or simester test scheduling easier because there's no need to make any large changes to the schedule.

    • I kind of agree, some schools may have it figured out. I think it would take many years to adjust if we just switched to a block schedule.

  • I don't think we should do block schedule year round because it is hard to focus when you are sitting in the same room for an hour and a half. I also feel like we are more productive in classes when we have a shorter time to get things done. 

  • I do not think that we should have block schedule throughout the whole year. It is hard to focus after a while and you don't get to see all of your teachers every day. I did not like the week of block schedule because I couldn't stay focused for the whole time.

  • School feels so much longer with the block schedule. I didn't like it at all because one day sucked and one day was good. But when the one that sucked came around it was miserable. I'd rather have every class and just balance it out. I cannot handle an hour and like 20 minutes of math; it's awful.

    • Although it feels longer we are still in school for the amount of time, we are just in each period longer which makes it feel longer.

  • I don't think we should have block schedule all year. I feel like the school days would feel longer considering not everyone can focus for extended amounts of times on subjects they aren't interested in. 

    • I agree, although they feel longer we are still in school for the same amount of time. For kids with ADHD I do feel bad for them they have to sit for longer periods of times.

  • Personally I don't think we should do block scheduling all year round, I find it hard to focus in some classes for that long. I also like going to more classes everyday. The block schedule made the day feel really long for me so I would not want block scheduling. 

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