I think that trans people should not be able to compete. I think this because of how much of a disadvantage there could be to the other genders. How it can ruin people's careers. I think another reason is because of how many scandals could go on. Finally because it is just not fair for the other people participating in said competitions.


I believe that trans powerlifting athletes should not compete because what would happen if a man says he is a woman and goes into a lifting competition and destroys all the other athletes. Think about how much time and effort all those other athletes put in just to be shown up by a man who says he is a woman. I do not think that is fair to the other competitors.


Almost a couple of weeks ago there was a news article about how a male powerlifter and personal trainer entered into a womens powerlifter competition. The trainer was trying to prove a point by going into a competition as identifying as a woman supposedly. He was trying to prove that most powerlifting competitions allow competitors to enter in what they want to be self identified as like how he self identifies as a “women”. When he entered into the competition he smashed every record by at least 100 pounds he beat the women's powerlifting record of 275 pounds and changed it to now 375 pounds and the same goes on for the rest of the lifts.


In the end after he won the entire competition the very next day he switched back to identifying as male man who competes in MALE competitions. This is why I think that it is totally unfair to the other competitors because they can stroll up and beat everyone there then just switch back like nothing happened.



Do you think trans altheltes should compete why or why not?


what would you do in this situation?






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    • I also agree with you because of the fact that you said it could be a huge disadvanage because they can just switch whenever they want with no problem and it is just unfiar and like you said their is no for a man to lift as equal as a women.

  • No, I think that girls should compete with girls and boys should compete with boys.  If a boy that wants to be a girl is in a girls' powerlifting competition it's totally unfair. This is going to make people leave powerlifting and then be stuck with "wanting to be girls".  Men are naturally stronger than women which makes it not fun for any girls. 

  • I think it would be stupid to allow trans people to be in powerlifting sports because trans dudes would just destroy any competition. It would not be far. If trans people complain how unfair it is to not allow them to compete, they should relize that they chose to be trans.

  • I think trans athletes should never ever in a million years compete in a sport that isn't their main sport or use testosterone boosting steriods or supplements. That give mentally sane people a disadvantage to the sport. What comes to mind when you think of sports is fun and fairness and competition. If we let a male join a female sport, the fairness is out the window. It has been scientifically proven that men can do things that woman cant making it unfair for them to compete.

    • Yes I totally agree with you how if we let them join then the fun and fairness and competitoin will be gone and thier will be no point in competeting anymore if all you know is that you will just be beat out by a man.

  • I think that the people should have to enter into a class with their biological gender at birth. This goes for all sports, not just powerlifting. There is a reason why sports have had two different genders forever, and nothing in todays world should change how sports have been for years.

    • yes I agree with you that people should go into the class that they are orginally in and like you said it should go for all sports and also like you said thier are to gender sports for a reaosn and it would be better if we stuck to that.

  • I think that competetors should have to enter in competitions under their biological sex at birth. If people allow transgender women (biological males) into competitions, the women will be blown out of the water. This is because men have more muscle and more strength. It doesn't matter if someone stops producing hormones, their muscle will still be there.

    • I agree with you how even if they are on blockers they will still have more muscle mass and more dense mucsle then the other competitors because they were still orginally a male that transitioned over.

  • I dont think transgenders should comptete in their transitioning sports. I also think that transitioning males going into females should be able to compete in powrerlifting. Males are biologically stronger and always will so by them competeting in our sports we could ultimatley loose womens sports to males. 

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