Should There Be More Gun Control?

Should buying a gun be harder than it already is? Today there are a couple of steps to purchasing a pre-built manufactured weapon. Either you have to have a permit to carry or a permit to acquire. Though you do not need the permits. You will have to complete a NICS(National Instant Criminal Background Check System) form each time you purchase a firearm.

To get either permit you will have to go to your county sheriff's office to fill out a form. If you choose not to get the permits you can take the NICS form before the purchase. The NICS is a background check created by the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993. That is before you are able to purchase a firearm. During the process of getting a firearm though you have to fill out Form 4473. This form was created by the ATF (The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms) on January 16, 2017. It is a six-page form that you need to sign every time you buy a weapon from an FFL (Federal Firearms Licensed dealer). After purchasing a firearm, the individual needs to be 18+ to purchase any ammo for the weapon.

In my opinion, I think that there should not be more gun control. I think this because it is starting to become unconstitutional. People should be able to own and bear firearms. Adding more laws to limit the number of people to own weapons. I think owning the permits and having background checks is a little much but is needed to lessen the number of deaths and accidents. 

Do you think that there should be more gun control? Why?

Would you own a gun in the future? 

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  • In my opinion, I think there should be more gun control. I personally do not see there being more gun control as unconstitutional or violating anyone's rights as long as people who go through the process of getting a gun correctly are still able to purchase one. 

  • I think gun control is good the way it is today. I don't think we need more gun control because stopping people from having guns won't make a difference, because all the bad people will still find a way to have a gun. In the future, I will own a few guns.

  • I personally don't think that their should be more gun control because there is already a lot of it and we could put our money or time into better stuff in the world. Yes, I would own the gun if I get the chance in the near future.

  • I think there should be more gun control because being able to go shoot up places should not be as easy as it is. I get it being on the constitution and I don't think we should get rid of guns either. I might own a gun in the future but I don't plan on it.

  • I personally don't think so. Anyone who owns a gun has gone through the legalized process of doing so to own a gun. So it shouldn't be a problem or threat to people who don't own a gun. I could see myself owning a gun in the future for protection reasons. 

  • I feel like there should definitely be more gun control. I have grown up shooting guns with my dad and started learning to shoot pretty early on. I feel like purchasing a gun is super easy. You can have bad intentions but also pass a background check. I feel like the background check should be more steps, and there should be a mental health evaluation prior to getting a gun permit or purchasing a gun. 

  • No, I do not think there should be more gun control. I personnally own a lot of guns and would like them to be easily accessed so I can buy more. I think people are going to get their hands on guns if they really want one and we all have the right to own them.

  • I think there should be more gun control. Therefore, there probably will have to be some kind of constitution change which I would support. Guns have a lot of power and I don't think that so many people should be able to own something that makes killing a person very easy. 

    • I disagree that there should be more gun control. I think that the constitution shouldn't be changed even though guns are very powerful and need responsibilities. If the people with bad intentions really wanted a gun that bad they would find a way to get one.

  • I don't think that there should be more gun control. People already have to go through a long list of things to be able to get a gun therefore, I don't think there should be more control, but there also shouldn't be less.

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