This topic is frequently argued over in the United States as there are positives and negatives to both sides. People have been trying to get this to come to realty for a while but it has failed every time. People that believe it should be lowered argue lowering it would create more partipation and voting habits, at 16 you start deciding your future and this is an important part of their future, and also that 16 year olds have the same ability to make good voting decisions as others as they have the same civics knowledge. People that dont want this to pass argue kids under 18 are not mature enough to vote, 18-29 year olds have low voting number turnouts and this will be the same, and also that almost all Americans believe they shouldnt be able to vote.



Many believe that it should be lowered for many reasons. Many reaserchers have found 16 year olds pick up most of their actions from the adults around them so as long as their parents are voting they will vote and keep voting as it becomes a habit. Scientists also found that something called cold cognition skills are in most 16 year olds, those are the skills needed to make well, thought out decisions. Lastly, if we lower the voting age it will strngthen the civics education in younger kids and help them get more involved and interested in civics.



Lots of people believe that lowering the voting age could hurt our country and dont want it to be lowered. They argue that 16 year olds dont have the motivation and ability to participate in the election effectively. They think because they are so young they wont vote based on their own thoughts but rather what their parentrs believe and what their parents want. Finally they arent fully grown and scientists have found in teenage years the brain is still undergoing major contruction and is still developing.



I believe that the voting age at 18 is a good age because that is when they are adults and almost all the decisions they make are for themselves. They are less likely to just vote alongside their parents around this age. 16 seems to young for me and that is just sophmores or juniors in high school mostly. Some of them dont have jobs or have to make many big decisions for themselves. I can see pros to lowering it but I dont see a point big enough to make it an obvious decision to lower it. I also think the election is fine right now and because its doing good and fine there is no reason to change it and risk messing it up.



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Do you think Lowering the voting age would be good or bad?

Would you rather have the voting age lowered to 16 or raised to 21?

If the voting age was lowered to 16 and you could vote in the next election, would you?

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  • I think lowering the voting age would be a very bad idea. Although it may not seem like it, the way of thinking of many people changes over time, a 16-year-old person would not be able to reason and would not be interested in investigating what is happening in their country, they'd probably just go with what their friends choose or something. I think I agree more with increasing it to 21.

  • I think that it would be good to lower the voting age becasue that would give a better prespective. I would rahter it be lowered to 16 than 21. If I was 16 and the age to vote at was 16 I would, because every vote counts. 

    • I think lowering it would be better in some ways but bad in more ways. 16 year olds arent mature enough in my eyes to have the right to vote. I also think I would rather have it raised than lowered. I would also vote in the next election if I had the option to.

  • I think that the voting age should stay at 18 because that is the age when you can fight for your country. Also people start to leave their parents houses at 18 and I think they should have a say in the world that they will now be surviving in. 

  • I think that lowering the voting age to 16 would be a really bad idea. First of all, if you look around our high school you might see high schoolers who don't care about politics. Which honestly is the best for us because we are highschoolers. But because of that we would have to grow up faster, we already grow up so fast, give us the time we deserve to be a kid.

    • I agree completely as I feel most 16 year olds dont care enough for politics or pay enough attention to vote. I think some may be mature enough and pay attention to politics but for the most part, majority of them dont care

  • I wouldn't consider the voting age to be lowered to 16, I think people should develop a way to understand what the canidates are fighting for and how the canidate is like instead of voting blind. I think you should start voting when your 21 you have developed a little more and you have a feeling of what life is like.  If it was lowered to 16 I would vote.

    • I agree in the fact that I would not want it lowered for many reasons but I also feel that 21 is to old as at 18 years old most start paying taxes and getting true jobs if they did not already have one. I would also vote in the next election if it were to be lowered.

  • There are pros and cons of lowering the voting age, but I think it staying at 18 is fine for now. 16 seems a bit low but 21 is definetely too high, as 18 year olds are adults so it would be unfair for them to not be able to vote. If the voting age was lowered and I had the opportunity, I would vote.

    • I agree that staying at 18 is the best choice as 18 year olds make adult decisions and because they are adults voting is a right they should have. I also agree there are pros and cons as the are some upsides for sure but it seems like there are more bad things.

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