Should the voting age be lowered to 16-17?

The government says that the age of voting is 18 because during the WWI they drafted anyone 18 and older. Citizens believe that voting should be more of a habit. Research shows that people want to lower the age of voting to 16 or 17. I believe that they have enough knowledge to know what is going on in the world. 


First, we need to make voting a habit. Lowering the age of voting can lead to better and longer voting turnouts, bringin citizens closer to our government and having a say in what happens in the world. “A person who votes in the first election they are eligible for is likely to continue voting consistently.” Having younger people vote increases the number of votes.


Second,sixteen and seventeen year olds are ready to vote, research is showing that 16-17 year olds have the skills, knowledge, and sense what is going on in the world.There isn’t much new information being presented from a 16-18 year old, why does the age of voting need to be 18 and older. I am currently a 16 year old and I know enough to be able to vote.


Third, teenage kids age 16-17 are feeling what the elections do to our environment, they should have a say on what happens. “They also work without limits on hours and pay taxes on their income, can drive in most states, and in some cases, are tried in adult courts.” Lowering the voting age would force people to listen to the 16-17 year olds and what they have to say about the government. If they end up lowering the voting age you will have a stronger team of citizens. 

What do you think about lowering the voting age?


What should the legal age be to vote?

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    • I agree with you, kids should have their own say in the presidency.

  • I think the voting age is perfect at having the right to do so at eighteen. So I personally don't think that lowering the age to sixteen or seventeen would be wise because they don't feel the effects of it until they are an adult. So I think the voting age should stay where it is at eighteen when you become a legal adult.  

  • I belive that the voting age should be lowered for the reason that younger generations know what they want for the future. The only bad thing about lower voting age would be that young minds are very impressionable. They would most likely go off of who their parents voted for due to them not forming their own opinon yet.

    • I agree with you, because they need to know what is going on in the world and how to help it.

  • I believe that it would not be a good idea to lower the voting age.  The voting age of eighteen is perfectly fine where it is.  Most 16 and 17 year olds that I know don't understand politics yet.  If it's not broke don't fix it.  I don't think that we need to change the age of voting because there's nothing wrong with it.

  • I think that lowing the age of voting to 16 or 17 is probably okay because at those ages, teenagers already know a good part of what is happening in the United States and politics. Also, I think that teenagers have enough responsiblilities at the age of 16 and 17. I think that the legal age should be 16, if not 17.

  • I think the voting age should be lowered. By 16 we know enough about politics and who we should support. Many more votes would be counted in the election and give a more likely chance of your canidate getting elected. Kids are mature by 16 and even if they are not considered adults, they should be able to vote.

    • I agree with you because, by 16 years old you should be resonsable enough to vote. 

  • I do think that the voting age should be lower. I think that most 16 to 17 year olds feel the changes in a president because of their age and since they are seeing and witnessing the changes they should have a say in it. I think that some 16-17 year olds are passionate about who is in office and they want to have an opinion too.

  • I think that the voting age is plenty young as is. Honestly, I can't think of many 16 or 17 year olds who I would want helping make decisions for our country. When you are 16 and 17 years old, you are probably still living with your parents, and most people don't even have jobs. If they lowered the voting age, more uneducated people would be voting, and I think that is the last thing that our country needs. 

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