The eighth amendment states that, “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and punishments inflicted.” This is the amendment that prevents the jury from giving people unnecessary punishments. I believe that being sentenced to death should be illegal.
No matter how bad the crime is, I still believe that the death penalty doesn’t fit any crime. Wouldn’t it be a better alternative to let the perpetrator live an awful life in prison instead of them not having to live with the consequences of what they did. It was outlawed in 1968 through 1976 because of the 1972 case of Furman v. Georgia. Where the Supreme Court declared this punishment unconstitutional. It was reinstated in late 1976 because of extensive sentences, adding to already overpopulated prisons.
Somehow, there are more states that allow it than have abolished it. There are 24 states that do have it, 23 states that have abolished it, including Iowa, and 3 states that have a temporary ban on the death penalty. Since 1976, there have been 1,534 executions from the death penalty, with 185 of those people being innocent. So, we also have false accusations and are killing innocent people. Which is a major problem with capital punishment.
Do you believe that the death penalty fits some crimes?
Do you think it should be illegal? Why or why not?
Why do you think some states have it outlawed in 2021?
Great topic choice and well done overall Ivy! While you have three paragraphs there, your post still seems brief overall. You could have expanded on the history of the death penalty a bit more as well as the postivies and negatives of having the death penalty. Also, all of your comments were done on the same day(Sept. 9). instead of three days.
Yes but I think you should get life in prison because that is worse. Like life in prison in your own cell or solitary confinement. Yes I think it should be legal but not use it very often because prison is worse. I think the death penalty can be worse on the family, because they can still go visit him in prison.
I belive that the death penaltie does fit some crimes however I think that it should be used much more conservatively. I do not belive that it should be illegal because their are some crimes that I think are deserving of the death penaltie. I think that some states have it outlawed because their is a chance that someone is rongly convicted.
Yes death penalty fits with most of the crime that happens in the world. I dont think it should be illegal becasue some people really do deserve it and should die for what they did. Some states have it outlawed becasue of who is in charge.
In my opinion the death penalty should be used in all states but only under strict circumstances. In some casses over time people have murdered a whole family and had no remorse for what they did sometimes smiling or laughing while being served a sentence. In that case it should be used but in a case where a man looses control of his car and kills someone it should not be used. Although he does need to be punished he should not be put on death row for that.
I think that the death penalty should not be illegal because if you have this person that did something really mess up would you not want them put away or something else like that and also in the end if you just put everbody in prison then the prison will evetually be over filled so then the death penalty will clear up space with all of the murders and stuff.
I agree with you that having overcrowded prisons is a problem, but I still don't think killing them is the answer. Having all these people who commit horrible crimes, it would be the best for them to just be gone and done with, but they are still people. Horrible people who deserve far worse than to be let off the hook.
If you killed someone innocent than you should be injected. But if you're wrongly accused fight for proving yourself innocent. Going off of that it should be legal, but the person should be more looked into. I think some states have it outlawed because of who is in control.
I agree with you, and if they are going to keep the death penalty they should very thoroughly look at the crime scene. Take a good look at all of the suspects, and have strong evidence that shows it was very clearly that person before jumping to conclusions.
I believe that the death penalty does fit some crimes and I believe that some people do deserve the penalty like mass murders and stuff like that but and I also think that it would be a good idea to just put them in prison and let them rot but then again if you give these murders the death penalty then you don't have to worry about them hurting other people anymore.