Should test retakes be allowed?

Some students can be great students and get their work done but be bad test takers. Should that one test be the reason their grade goes down tremendously? Some teachers allow test retakes and some are completely against it. But letting kids able to retake a test could help their grades and help them understand the material.

Some people say that allowing retakes makes the kids not really care about the first test and not try their hardest if they know they are able to retake the test. If students know that they can retake it why would they study now when they could study later since they have the option to retake it? They say that they should be prepared the first time they take the test and not get the option to retake it.  This also puts the teacher with more work. They have to not only make more tests but spend time grading the second test.

There are also people that are for it. Some students are just not good at taking tests. Deadlines and tests give anxiety to some students and can cause them not to do good on the test. Not all students would take advantage of the retakes and they wouldn't need it. But if they had a bad test then it would be there for their benefit. Some teachers allow retakes but don't make it that easy to retake the test. There are forms to fill out and work to do in order to retake the test, and some teachers only allow so many retakes so kids aren't using it to their advantage. There are also some teachers that average out your score. So they take your first test and your second test and base your grade on that.

I think that retakes should be an option. Even straight-A students can have a bad test and use the retake so it doesn't bring down their grade. I think that their are definitely kids that would abuse this and use it on every test. Teachers could do something about that if it was happening. I think the retest forms and the work you do with them are a good idea so it causes the kid to do some work before they take the second test and help them learn the material for the test.


Do you think that kids should be able to retake tests?

If so, should they be able to retake every test, or should there be a limit? 

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    • I agree, some tests have material we don't know, and having one bad grade can take your overall grade down.

  • I think retakes should be a loud. Some kids can't help their anxiety problems, but there are those kids who take advantage of retakes. I don't think it really matters that much though. Usually, the teacher isn't creating a whole new test. If the kids who take advantage of retakes don't try too hard on the first one then they will probably try on the second one.

  • I think that test retakes should be allowed. I think this because if a student has something going on before the test, they cannot study. As well as, if a student does not get what the test is asking the first time they can ask to help to understand for the retake. I feel if it is a common occurrence than the student should have a limit.

    • I agree, sometimes students don't have time to study with work and sports going on.

  • I personally think that kids should be allowed to retake test, because if a student fails his/her final test at the end of the year, they have no chance to redo there test. I think that they should be allowed to 1 retake per quarter or 2 per semester. 

  • I think that students should be allowed to retake tests, but there has to be some sort of restriction so they don't abuse the retakes. Something like having to retake the test outside of the school day or only a certain amount of retakes per semester.

  • I think that students should be able to retake tests because some kids can have good grades and then do bad on a test and it will bring there grade down. I think there should be a limit though so that students don't take advantage of it because it creates a lot more work for the teachers. 

    • I agree, one bad test can take your grade down even if you are doing good in the class.

  • I think that students should have the opportunity to retake tests. But I also think that there should be certain limits, like the amount of retakes you can take per semester. Eventually, it will hopefully help the students to learn and understand the topic better. 

  • I think test should be able to be retaked because kids might struggle on the subject and just werent ready for the test. I think you should be able to retake test if you get below a 60% so then people if they don't fail they can't retest because they passed the test.

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