Should students have to put their phones in the pouches?

Since the start of last year, students have been required to put their phones into a phone pouch. Previously, students had the freedom to keep their phones in their backpacks and occasionally have them out. Now some teachers will not even start class until every student has put their phone in their assigned pouch. Many students are very frustrated with this sudden rule change, however some teachers beg to differ. Should this rule stay or be revoked?


There are many pros to this rule change in the school. Many schools around the world have different and unique ways for phones to be detained from students during class time. A common reason for why schools should forbid phones is for cheating opportunities. Many students can try to cheat with their phones during tests. Many students these days are trying to cheat on tests, or simply not pay attention in class at all. Phones can cause many problems in the classroom. But can the teacher stop this problem without taking away every student's phone before class starts? 


Everyday before class starts, you can see students walking to their assigned phone pouch to put their phones in. Many students simply don’t like putting their phones in the pouches. A student could easily argue the fact that they might need their phone during class. What if there is a school lockdown? The school has taught that during a lockdown, every door is locked, and students continue class as usual. However, it is clear that many parents will want to be in contact with their child to know that they are safe. But parents will not be able to be in contact with their child if they don’t have their phone. A child/student could grab their phone at the end of class and see 3 missed phone calls from their parents. In case of an emergency in any way, should students be allowed to carry their phones during class?


After lots of researching, I believe that it is very important that students should be allowed to have their phones in their possession. Afterall, the school does not own our phones. So why should they get to keep us from having our phones? I believe that students should be allowed to have their phones during class at all times. It is a student's privilege to acquire their phones in any situation and this rule needs to be revoked immediately.   


Should students have to put their phones in the pouches? 


Should there be a punishment if a student is on their phone? 

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  • Students should not have to put their phone in a pouch, still students shouldn't have their phone out is class as it is a very big distraction. I think there should be a punishment and that should be the teacher taking their phone for the period and if they continue then their phone should be taken for the day.

    • Only students that are on their phones at the wrong times should be punished, everyone else should not be. 

  • I don't think that students should have to put their phones in pouches. if there was an emergency kids might not be able to get their phones in time to get help. I don't think there should be a punishment if a kid is caught on their phone. kids should be responsible enough to stay off of their phones. and if they decide to use their phone instead of paying attention that's on them and they will deal with their lack of knowledge later in life.

  • I don't think students should put there phones in the pouches becuase what if something happens. If something does happen how are you going to text your parnets.

    • I agree. Parents will be very worried if something were to happen. Also, it will be a clutter if all students are trying to grab their phones at the same time which will cost time. The longer we take = danger. 

    • I agree, teachers should at least let students access their phones during a lockdown or any type of emergency. 

  • I believe students should be able to have their phones in case there is an emergency. I think being able to contact people during an emergency is more important then any test. However if a student is caught using their phone in class, I think there should be a consequence because we are at school to learn. 

  • I think that students should be allowed to hold on to their phones throughout the day with certain requirements. Students should only be allowed to go on them when they are told and if they have all of their work done or don't have anything else to do. They should be allowed to be left on the student's desk as long as it is face down. If a student is on their phone when they aren't supposed to be it should be taken away for the remainder of the class period. 

    • I agree, even when the phone vibrates, students need to learn to resist temptation. In college, they are not going to have phone pockets for us to put in. We need to learn to resist temptation. 

  • I bealive some of us can be responsible enough to not put phones in the poouches. some people my argue otherwise and yeah that can be true too. I personal can keep my phone on me all day and not be on it in class. I feel like if you get introuble once for having your phone out in class it has to be put in a pouch for the rest of that class. 

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